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a serious textbook on how to defend against an alien attack; it would have
been useful. Maybe someone did, perhaps it's classified and I never had access
to it. I would have to ask about that.
"That's right, Annie, landmine strategy is the same thing though. It's a
boobytrap scenario." Tabitha smiled approvingly at her daughter. "If you are a
retreating force that is being overrun or forced out of a territory, if there
is time, you leave behind hazardous things like landmines and spiked pits and
other nasty surprises to slow down an advancing enemy. They might also try to
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create a long-term strategy to give you an edge in future battles. Perhaps we
and these other isolated civilizations are more than just boobytraps."
"How so?" Al asked.
"Haven't you ever played Risk?" Jim asked. "It's simple! If you can keep a
small country like New
Zealand, as well as your main portion of the globe, you can win the game. What
you do is attack on the main lines and this makes your opponents forget about
the little country on the bottom corner of the planet because they are
fighting for their lives back at the front. You grow the military might of New
Zealand, which is behind the enemy lines. Once you start weakening slightly on
the main front lines, then you come sweeping up through China and in behind
the enemy with your war machine that you built in
New Zealand. That's it! All of these little quarantine zones are New Zealand
and, let me think, what were the other strategic locations . . . Oh yeah,
there was Madagascar and Greenland and Japan. That is exactly what this looks
like on the map. It's galactic Risk!"
"Yeah, but we aren't in cahoots with the Lumpeyins. And we aren't building an
army for them," Sara said.
Anson shooed a big fat cat out from under his feet and finished taking the
steaks off the built-in gas grill at the far end of the sunroom. He set the
still-sizzling steaks on the table before us. They smelled good. "Are you so
sure about that, Sara? Mike, could we be in cahoots with these here
Lumpeyins?" he asked in his stereotypical Southernese.
"I do not have enough data to come to that conclusion, but the suggestions
that have been made thus far are quite plausible," Mike replied.
"I just thought of something," 'Becca added. "Perhaps we have been building an
army for these
Lumpeyins. Look at the graphic of the abductions. The numbers of abductions
increase every time there is a war of major proportions. And the abductions
spiked again here in 2011 they spiked by an order of magnitude. Does that year
mean anything to any of us, Anson
. . .
? She made a point to look at
Anson and Jim and emphasize their names.
"I don't see . . . Holy shit!" Anson said.
"The first warp experiment we did where the electrons disappeared!" Jim
"That is exactly it!" Tabitha said. "You are onto something here, 'Becca. The
Grays got very interested when the warp era started. And look at the big spike
during the Warp War with the Asians!"
"Not only that," 'Becca continued. "We have, with Steven and Tatiana's help,
developed a way to shoot down and maybe destroy the Gray ships."
Anson pulled the rest of the corn on the cob off the grill with his tongs and
arranged the food in the middle of the table just to the left of the speaker.
"Dig in before it gets cold, folks." He pulled his apron off. "Y'all know that
this is bad news. If the
Grays realize that we have a means of really becoming a threat to them, what
are the odds that they will wipe us out? And why didn't they do that already?"
"We can't tell Senator Grayson about any of our further advancements. We will
slow roll him and lie if we have to from now on," Tabitha said as she loaded
her plate with a steak, baked potato, and corn on the cob. She took a swig
from her beer and sat back down on her side of the table. "We need to go see
the President, soon."
"I think we need to go see the Grays," I said.
" Tatiana screamed. Her response was unexpected and it startled all of us. She
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was trembling uncharacteristically.
"Tatiana?" I was a bit concerned by her strange response isolated abductee
rang in my mind.
"I . . . I . . . I don't know why I did that," she said. "It was like, I don't
know, I needed to keep us from ever wanting to see the Grays of our own free
will. As soon as I realized what I had said, the feeling went away."
Anson turned to me, "Son, did you have the same feeling?"
"No, I didn't," I said.
"Tatiana, my dear, I believe you have been conditioned somehow to stay away
from the Grays. That was a typical response of someone with a posthypnotic
suggestion," Anson told her. "Don't worry, dear.
We're all here for you and will help you to keep your sanity. We will figure
out what these little Gray bastards are up to and we will put a stop to it.
Y'all eat, it's getting cold. I need a beer anybody need anything while I'm
up?" Anson wandered off to the kitchen.
We finished dinner with more chat along the same lines. We were all beginning
to realize that the
Grays were a threat to us as long as we remained a threat to them. We also all
agreed that we were not about to put down our arms and just give up. None of
us believed that the abductions would stop if we quit building warp drives and
stayed on Earth. The Grays had somehow been around for at least most of the
recorded portion of our history. There must have been more to it than Mike had
data on because there were so many people throughout our history who had
described the Gray spacecraft and abduction scenarios in extreme detail. But
Mike had continued to explain the impossibility of this. Something just didn't
add up.
Tatiana and I had no memory of the things, which backed up Mike's story. So we
wondered why or how did other people see them and remember them. We sat around
and talked and drank beer and talked some more. Then we drank more. It was
fun. Tatiana seemed at home and so did I. I hadn't actually felt this good
since way before The Rain and my wacky period of insanity. This was home. I
Laz could have lived to see it.
"Tatiana, don't you think your father must miss you and wonder where you are?"
Anson asked her.
"Uh, no. I saw my father last week. 'Becca and I flew down to New York to see
him. Didn't she tell you?" Tatiana said.
"Hey, I don't have to tell him everything I do," 'Becca responded.
"Rebecca does what Rebecca wants to do." Anne Marie laughed a bit
uncomfortably. The two women were very headstrong and my guess was that they
butted them together on occasion. Rebecca
wasn't stunned by the remark at all.
"Well, anyway, I was thinking that we need to go see him again. This time take
Steven with you, and
Mike. See if your father is of the type that would be an isolated abductee. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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