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leged Soviet threat and pass this defense column in the German Democratic Repub- In tents, in schools, in apartments, or
program in Brussels. lic. To this end, they adressed not only coun- in other peoples homes. This was a big cam-
Basically, the production of new terrevolutionary elements, which, of course, paign. They didn t have much time to sleep,
American intermediate nuclear forces and still exist in our country, too, but also the but they all had a place to stay. Some fami-
their deployment in Western Europe is an reactionary, the unsteady, and the uncertain. lies hosted up to 7 teenagers. The family
attempt to undermine the results of SALT All this took place under the slogan of hu- slept in the kitchen, so that the FDJ mem-
II. They want to offset the fact that Soviet man rights. bers could sleep in the bed and living-rooms.
missiles can reach the USA. This is sup- They placed their hopes in the Protes- There was huge attendance. We never had
posed to be achieved through the tant and the Catholic Church, which have had something like this before.
depolyment of American intermediate-range 8.5 and 2.5 million members, respectively. During these four days, the Western
(nuclear) missiles having a range beyond These churches and their bishops were sup- journalists were not subjected to any restric-
Moscow up to the Urals. While it takes 20 posed to act in our country as guerillas of tions in their interviews. Moreover, some
to 30 minutes for the missiles that are de- the West. With the help of the 6,000 West- 200,000 people from the Federal Republic
ployed in the USA to reach the Soviet Union, ern citizens, who, as a result of the interna- and West Berlin came to the capital to dis-
they only need 5 minutes when deployed in tional recognition of the GDR and the en- cuss with the FDJ members. In any case,
the Federal Republic, Belgium, and Great suing establishment of Western embassies, none of them managed to report something
Britain, except for the so-called wing mis- came to our country, they undertook sub- negative. They were surprised that this youth
siles [Fluegelraketen], which would also versive activities. The American, the Fed- is different from what they thought.
violate the neutrality of such states as Swe- eral German, and other embassies estab- Along a wide front, we prepared for
den. lished contacts with our artistic intelligen- the 30th anniversary of the GDR [in Octo-
Hence, this a large scale, long-term at- tsia in particular. One million copies of a ber 1979]. 250,000 young people marched
tempt to tip in favor of American imperial- so-called manifesto against the GDR party in Berlin. Comrades Brezhnev, [Polish
ism the rough balance of military power that and state leadership have been published, leader Edward] Gierek, [Czechoslovak
currently exists in the world. This is sup- allegedly written by leading SED function- leader Gustav] Husak, [Bulgarian leader
posed to put pressure on the Soviet Union aries. Under the slogan of human rights, it Todor] Zhivkov, [Hungarian leader Janos
and the socialist countries, including Cuba, has been tried to set up committees for the Kadar], [Mongolian leader J.] Zedenbal, and
on countries like Nicaragua, and others, and protection of human rights and the pro- others were there. In any case, we gave our
on the national liberation movement. They tection of workers rights. adversary such a thrashing that he last all
want to foster anything that leads to an alli- Various elements have been given the his interest in continuing his shameless pro-
ance of the USA, Japan, China, and, if pos- opportunity to use the FRG s TV and radio paganda against the GDR with the same fe-
sible, the FRG, too, against Real Socialism to influence the GDR. All around the clock, rocity as before.
and the national liberation movement. For 24 hours a day, 35 FRG radio stations are At this time, the Chancellor of the
us, a very interesting aspect is that China broadcasting political commentaries. The FRG, Helmut Schmidt, requested a meet-
supports the so-called reunification of Ger- three Western TV channels were also used ing. This means that while adhering to their
many, i.e. the elimination of the GDR. for interviews with certain authors and other revanchist attitude towards the GDR, they
It is necessary to recognize this situa- GDR people, which were conducted on be- were forced to accept that socialism has a
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