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 Three days? Her double chin and dyed-black feathered hair made her look like a pelican, and
standing with her mouth gaping increased the resemblance.
He held up a hand.  Scout s honor.
 As if you were ever a Boy Scout.
 Just for that, you re in charge of the interior decorator. I ve worked with him before, so I don t
expect any problems. Tell all the workers meals are on the house. We need guinea pigs for the new
menu. And don t forget to cancel reservations today through Wednesday and offer comps for when we
 Dare I ask what we ll be serving?
He handed her a sheet of paper, fresh from the printer.  Burgers and beer, baby. Venice Beach
He watched her read, dark eyes pausing occasionally, and wondered what had caught her interest.
The Muscle Beach Burger? The Teeny Bikini Sliders? Rasta Pasta? Boardwalk Bomber? All served
with sea-salted Pacific fries, of course.
She gave him a big smile and pulled his head down for a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek. Paper
crinkled next to his ear, and he narrowly avoided a paper cut.
 You re a genius. She thrust the menu into his hand and headed back to the dining room before he
could tell her it wasn t his idea.
He followed her as far as the line, then stopped to smile at Jenna, who was making cookies.  Sorry
for not saying hello earlier. I wrote a new menu last night, and I had to source a few ingredients.
 At six in the morning?
 It was nine in New York, and I want everything delivered by Wednesday. Why were you in so
 I wanted the ovens all to myself. She turned her back to wash her hands at the sink.
 Makes sense. In fact, you can work in the mornings all the time if you d like to have the ovens to
yourself. I m usually here by eight.
 Do you stay through dinner service, too?
 Not unless it s the weekend or we re really busy. I usually cut out after the first turn.
She nodded.  Of course. It would be difficult to keep up with your demanding social commitments
if you worked all night.
Her hair was in two braids today, and he tugged one in response to her snarky tone. For a second he
wanted to confess his party boy image was calculated for publicity, but she already thought he was
shallow enough.  A man of my social stature has responsibilities. Work hard, play harder. It s a
She nodded and began scooping cookies onto the tray.
He watched her for a moment, noticing her cookie dough looked nothing like his and feeling a little
put out that she was so focused on work, even though that was ridiculous. He edged closer,
surreptitiously trying to catch a whiff of her sweet scent, following the same instinct that had made
him follow her to her porch last night and kiss her. Since when did the Pippi Longstocking look give
him a hard-on?
He stopped, feeling as if he d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
 I m on my best behavior, but you ve been ignoring me all morning. I assumed it was because
we re at work, but now you ve got  up to no good written all over your face, and we both know I m
weak. I don t suppose you ve changed your mind and want to sneak back to the office for a quickie?
She looked so hopeful, he laughed.  Quickies aren t really my style& but I d love to hear what you
think of the new menu. He handed it to her.  As for ignoring you, I get tunnel vision when I start a
new project. Forgive me?
 I suppose. Her long-suffering sigh made him laugh.
She turned her attention to the menu, and he tried not to be nervous.
She smirked as she handed it back to him a few minutes later.  Stubborn but not stupid.
 Thanks, he said wryly.  Do you have any suggestions? Additions or subtractions? Did I miss
She frowned, and his heart plummeted.  Well, you could probably drop a Venice Beach souvenir
on the table with the check, but other than that& 
He mock glared as she continued  & it sounds fantastic. The descriptions are clever and funny. The
food sounds amazing. I could totally go for that burger with the barbecued bacon, heirloom tomato
jam, and Cabot cheddar right now. I m starving.
It was his favorite item on the menu, straight-up Americana. Suddenly, he wanted to show off a
little& and maybe get her out of the kitchen.  Your wish is my command. Two Muscle Beach Burgers,
coming right up. Should we get those on skates?
She raised an eyebrow.  Huh?
 I m hungry, too. We can eat on the beach and have a picnic.
 I thought you had to work.
He caught her arm as she moved past him.  I changed my mind. C mon Goldilocks, play hooky for
an hour. We re closed until Thursday anyway.
 Says who? I spent all morning making desserts.
 Says me. I m the boss, remember? You have to do what I say, and I say we re having a picnic on
the beach.
He didn t realize he was leaning forward until she stopped him with a hand on his chest.  For a guy
who claims sexual harassment isn t his style, you re pretty good at it.
 Are you going to complain?
 Only if you stop. She brushed against him, deliberately he assumed, as she headed for the cooler.
 I ll freeze the desserts. Let me know when our burgers are ready to roll.
 Food coma. Jenna swallowed the last bite of her burger and collapsed backward onto the blanket.
They d hiked far enough down the beach to get away from the crowd and staked their claim on a
secluded spot behind an outcropping of rocks. It felt like they had the ocean to themselves. Roman had
packed a feast into a bus tub, burgers, fries, root beer, and thick shakes made from her freshly churned
ice cream. She was stuffed, and the light ocean breeze would make a perfect blanket for a nap.
Perhaps she had been a bit too harsh in her condemnation of chefs to Lila earlier. The meals were a
definite perk.
She closed her eyes and stretched out. Next to her, she could hear Roman packing the trash into the
tub. Then he settled beside her. His fingers brushed hers, starting a chain reaction of tingles that began
in her center and moved outward. It was crazy that such a simple touch could affect her so
dramatically, but Roman had always done it for her. She opened her eyes and glanced to the side. His
blue eyes were pale in the sun, ringed by a darker blue. His lashes glinted, and she got a wild urge to
nibble them.
 What are you thinking? he asked.  You have the strangest expression on your face.
 You don t want to know.
He turned to face her.  Tell me. When she shook her head, he caught her other hand and pulled her
onto her side, so that they were lying face-to-face, separated only by inches. The urge got stronger.
She smiled.  How about I show you instead? It s G-rated but kind of weird.
At his nod, she leaned forward.  Close your eyes. She brushed her lips over his eyelashes then
gently nibbled them. Instant gratification was a beautiful thing. It was heaven to be able to satisfy her
whim. She stroked his cheek, pressing a kiss to the rough surface, hoping he d let her satisfy her other
urges soon. No time like the present. He looked so peaceful lying there with his eyes shut, she
couldn t resist.
She rolled on top of him.
His eyes blinked open.  You just lost your G-rating. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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