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of me. Sluggish...my brain was so sluggish.
My Hostage My Love
 Get on you knees, Trevor, I need to get the salt out of your
I think I flapped my elbows to remind him I wasn t going
anywhere without his help. A clear bottle filled with a silvery, green
goop was pressed into my hand. Erik reached up and easily freed
my wrists from the post. My legs gave out from under me. It was
only his quick reflexes that kept me from falling to the tiles knee
first. My tail bone hit his upper thigh but that was as far as I
I got a gentle kiss to my shoulder.  Good boy.
He controlled my descent to the floor. I ended up sitting with
my back supported by the post. He peeled the tunic off and it made
a sloppy smack where it landed after He threw it. He chucked a
finger under my jaw urging my head up. It was a chore to keep my
eyes open. His blue green eyes were searching for something in my
face. He didn t find it. I ended up with a press of lips to my
 You can close your eyes, Trevor.
HE turned washing my hair into a sensual experience. His
finger tips ran through my hair starting at my forehead and
sweeping back. His pressure was light but with just enough force to
massage my scalp. I turned my head away instinctively when his
fingers touched the jagged scar hidden under my hair.
 Don t fight me, Treasure, you re doing so well. His warm
touch ran along the tender, fleshy seam.
 Stop it. Don t touch it. I muttered as I pulled my head back
My wrists hit the post quickly. My hands were now only three
inches from the floor, close to the floor. I was now secured in my
upright position, back to the pole.
 Does it hurt? He settled his weight on my upper thighs and
began combing carefully through my hair. Since I was stuck to the
floor, I gritted my teeth and let him push my hair this way and that
as he examined the scar.
 Trevor? Does this scar still hurt you? His words were
followed up with a hand to my chin. He forced me to look at him.
 Yes, it hurts and I ve got a headache. I wasn t kidding.
 From the scar? His fingers stilled.
 Too much...sun, water just too much.
Derekica Snake
 Do you remember when you got this? HE began to circle
my temples with his forefingers. Just the right amount of pressure
in clockwise circles. I moaned. My eyes snapped open. I wasn t
going to encourage him. He must have felt me suddenly tense
because he stopped the massage and moved back to fingering
combing my hair.
I was disappointed, the massage had been very soothing. I had
to admit to myself that I wanted more.
 No. My voice was breathy.
I can t be falling back into this again. I had cried myself to
sleep in my padded room berating myself for dreaming about him,
for dreaming of doing things with a psychopath. HE didn t have me
long, just under six months total but he trained this body to
respond to him. I had to remember the horror of that training no
matter what gentle thing he did to me now. HE had to be deranged
because nobody normal kidnaps a man and fucks me senseless...him
And I was already crazy, right? Why would the judge send me
to a state hospital for the criminally insane if something wasn t off
in me. That could explain why I ended up in the orphanage. One of
my parents was round the bend, off the deep end. Some how,
somewhere in my dark and murky mostly unremembered past there
had to be something that could pinpoint where I went wrong.
Something traumatic must have happened to make me insane. But
then I had to remember that I was innocent of the crime I was
found guilty of& wasn t I? I was getting so confused that I could
hardly remember if I was innocent or not, maybe it was part of my
insanity that I only thought I was innocent because if I was
innocent why was I here& with Him?
I clenched my insides when HE smiled at me, really smiled at
me; even his blue green eyes smiled.
He looked so damned beautiful when he did that.
A man shouldn t look beautiful. NO, I shouldn t find a man
beautiful. I wasn t gay. I wasn t. I think I wasn t. I had dated before
HIM. I had dated girls. Girls with curves that filled the hands with
voluptuous skin and soft trembling limbs. I hooked up with that
Russian bombshell on that once in a lifetime trip. If we didn t have
to shower and eat we wouldn t have gotten out of bed. But that was
before He came into my life. He came and made my body dance to
his sensual mastery. It was different being with Erik than being with
My Hostage My Love
Olga. There was no comparison. It was like apples and
Then it was a stint in the hospital, followed by a whirlwind of
jail, arraignment, then being sent to the county mental facility for
the initial psychiatric assessments. That s were Dr. Fake spent all his
time trying to get me to confession to something I didn t do. It was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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