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Hart touched his shoulder.  You okay?
He nodded, and brought his head up.
When the door rattled and sprang open, Shane
raised his gun.
 Don t shoot me, baby, Tavish said, stepping
up into the cockpit.
Shane lowered his gun and shook his head.
Tavish came over and gave Shane and Cameron
a big hug.  God, it s good to see you guys.
 You too, Cameron said.
D. J. Manly
 That was some navigating there, Wolff.
Tavish looked at him.
Caden Wolff swirled around in his seat, and
nodded.  Thanks. He ran his eyes over the full
length of Tavish Lerue. Oh yeah, hot, a big, hot
 Well, Tavish said, nodding at Hart,  I think
we should get this show on the road. What do you
say, gentlemen& ah and sometimes ladies?
Cameron reached over and touched Tavish s
jaw.  God, that shadow does things to me. You re
still gorgeous. I hope Cassandra appreciates you.
 Every chance she gets. He winked, then, he
looked at Caden.  Can I see you in my craft a
moment? Something we need to go over, right?
The plan? We got a good hour before dawn.
 Yes, Caden said, standing up. He cleared his
throat.  Won t be long, he said to Hart, who had
turned his back. He knew he was pissed off, but
what could he do? Right now, he would have
followed Tavish Lerue anywhere.
Tavish s ship had landed right beside his.
Caden almost ran right into it in the darkness.  I
don t even know where the door is, Caden
laughed slightly.
 To hell with the door, Tavish growled,
pushing Caden up against the ship and reaching
for his pants.  I m so horny, and I want you bad.
A hand was on Caden s chest as he was being
The Sexshifters - book 2
held prone against the smooth metal of the ship.
He didn t struggle as he felt Tavish take his cock
out of his pants. He didn t want to struggle.
* * * *
 I m going to kill him, Hart spat.
 Tavish or Caden? Shane asked him, raising
an eyebrow.
 Both of them, and it s not funny.
Cameron came and put an arm around him.
 Honey, he loves you. He really does. He s just
exploring. He needs that freedom. If you don t
give it to him, you ll lose him.
Tears stung Hart s eyes.  How do I endure it?
 You make sure that you give him even more in
bed, even better, and that he ll always want to
come back to you, Shane said, meeting
Cameron s eyes.  One night, he ll never leave
your bed again. You re where his heart is. Tavish
is just a fuck.
Tears streamed down Hart s face.  It doesn t
make me feel any better.
Cameron tightened his hold on him. He looked
at Shane.
Shane sighed.  Hart, this is not the time. We
have to get the rest of those shifters out of there.
Hart wiped his eyes, nodding.  I know.
Cameron released Hart and walked over and
D. J. Manly
wrapped his arms around Shane.  You be careful
out there.
 You too, he said.
* * * *
Tavish was on his knees. Caden buried his hands
in his hair and let his head loll back against the
ship. He closed his eyes. He moaned as Tavish
took his cock into his mouth and began to suck it.
 God, god, Caden croaked.  You re setting me on
Tavish s response was to redouble his efforts.
His hand snaked up to caress the waves of
Caden s stomach, then he released his cock and
pressed his hard body against his. He took his
mouth hotly, then with one strong hand, turned
him around and slammed him against the ship.
He grabbed his wrists, and lifted them over
Caden s head, holding them there.
Caden felt Tavish s face in his hair, a hard cock
nudging against his ass. His breathing was hard
and laboured. He wasn t sure whose was more
intense, his or Tavish s.
 Leave your hands there above your head and
spread your legs, Tavish grunted, moving his
long hair aside, kissing his neck.
Caden moved one leg about two inches out to
the left.
The Sexshifters - book 2
Tavish s hand moved down over his back to his
bare ass.  You re beautiful, fucking beautiful, he
moaned into his hair.  Always wanted to fuck a
Caden left his hands on the ships over his head.
He was feeling sexy. He was feeling hot and dirty
and he wanted it. He wanted Tavish to fuck him.
He grunted as one hand came around to torment
his aching cock and the other separated his ass
check and began to tease his anus. Ever since
Cameron and Shane had forced him to discover it,
it had become alive with sensation.
Tavish slid down to his knees again. He
slapped his cock, and then began to rim him,
licking his opening, inserting the tip of his tongue
inside of him, replacing his tongue with one
finger, then two.
 Oh fuck, Caden shouted, slamming his
forehead against the ship.  Yeah,
oh& arggg& .Tavish& damn it, damn it.
 You like that? Tavish moved his tongue back
and forth rapidly over his quivering orifice.  Well
then wait until you get this, he grunted.
Caden felt his hips being gripped in strong
hands and yanked outwards. The head of Tavish s
cock hit his opening and he gasped.  Like that,
baby, like that you beautiful, gorgeous, sexy son of
a bitch?
Tavish began moving in and out of him and
D. J. Manly
Caden closed his eyes, letting his head fall
forward. He squinted past the discomfort and then
let the pleasure grip him, descending throughout
his groin and down his legs, and as Tavish got his
groove on, established his pace, the sensations
even rose into his teeth.
A hand squeezed his sex, massaged his balls,
then began to jerk his cock with serious intention
as Tavish stuttered out his release with a string of
curses and endearments. Caden felt his lips on his
ass, then moving upwards. He turned him around
and pushed Caden s hair back from his face.  Kiss
me, he said.  I could be in love.
Caden laughed softly, his chest still heaving.  I
doubt that. And doesn t the kissing come before
the fucking?
Tavish considered that, tucking himself back
inside his pants.  Ah, yeah, but I couldn t wait.
That s a couple of years of genuine lust.
Caden laughed again, and Tavish met his eyes.
 No shit, kiss me, will yeah? Take my breath
away, baby.
 Well, how can I say no? Caden replied,
reaching out and taking Tavish s face between his
hands, and pressing his mouth to his.
The kiss lasted far too long, and Caden actually
had to pry himself away. It wasn t easy. Tavish
was one hot kisser, and he was oh, so sexy.  We
ah&  Caden licked his lips,  better look at that
The Sexshifters - book 2
map I drew, and discuss the plan.
 What map? Tavish smiled, then laughed and
took a step backwards.  Pull your pants up,
honey, or I guarantee you, my mind won t be on
any map. Right now, I d really like to have that
cock up your ass. Um, what s it like to be fucked
by you, Caden?
Caden pulled Tavish s body close again.  Jesus,
I wish I had time to show you, but we got other
things we need to do. He released him.  You re
going us get killed if you don t get your mind off
my cock, Caden joked, pulling his pants up and
fastening them.
 Yes but, Tavish replied, running his eyes over
him,  what a way to go.
Caden smiled, lifting an eyebrow.  Take me to
the map.
* * * *
A half hour later, they had taken the land vehicles
out of the ships, and were on their way. Hart
watched carefully as Caden consulted with Tavish
in the cool morning air one last time. The sun was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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