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undeclared ports and cities to consider. Surely these might then be dissuaded
from becoming allies of Cos and Tyros, and perhaps might be inclined to offer
their services to Port Kar? At the very least, the ships of Port Kar might, in
such a situation, become suddenly welcome in ports that had hitherto been
closed to them. And who knew what trading ships might make their way to Port
Kar, if they thought her a fair and honest city? The estimate of Samos, taht
such a gesture on Port Kar s part might eventually result in a trebling of her
trade, seemed to me possibly conservative.
 What if the offer of peace is accepted? I asked Samos.
The captains looked at me, dumbfounded. Some laughed. But most looked then to
 I do not think it likely, said Samos, smiling.
Several of the captains then laughed.
 But, I asked,  if it is?
Samos scowled, and then his clear gray eyes met mine, but without emotion. I
could not read his heart. Then he smiled, and spread his hands.
 Then, said he,  it is accepted.
truly peace between Port Kar, and Cos and Tyros?
 And, I asked,  Do we abide by their acceptance? Would there then be
 That, smiled Samos,  may always be taken under consideration at a future
meeting of the council.
There was rough laughter at this.
 The time is opportune, said Samos,  to offer peace to Cos and Tyros.
For one thing, the Council has newly come to power. For another, I have
learned from spies that this very week the Ubar of Tyros visits Cos.
The captains muttered angrily. It did not bode well for Port Kar that the
Ubar of Tyros should voyage to Cos. More than the Ubar of Tyros should voyage
to Cos. More than ever it now seemed possible, or probable, that the two
Ubarates might well be conspiring against Port Kar. Why else should there be a
meeting of the two Ubars? Generally, there was almost as little love lost
between them as between them and the Ubars of Port Kar.
 Then, said one of the captains,  they must intend to bring their fleets
against us.
 Perhaps, said Samos,  members of a mission of peace might learn such
There was a grunt of agreement from the captains.
 What of your spies, I asked,  who seem so well informed? Surely, if they can
learn the itineraries of the Ubar of Tyros, it must be difficult to conceal
from them a gathering of the fleets of two such powers as Cos and Tyros?
The hand of Samos went instinctively to the hilt of his weapon, but then he
closed his hand and slowly placed the fist on the arm of his curule chair.
 You speak quickly, he said,  for one who is new to the Council of Captains.
 More quickly than you choose to answer, it seems, Noble Samos, said I.
I wondered what the interess of Samos in Cos and Tyros might be.
Samos spoke slowly. I saw that he did not care to speak.  The fleets of
Cos and Tyros, he said,  have not yet gathered.
If he had known this, I asked myself, why had he not spoken before?
 Perhaps, I asked,  Samos will propose that we now withdraw our patrols from
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Samos looked at me, and the look was as cold and hard as Gorean steel.
 No, he said,  I would not propose that.
 Excellent, I said.
The captains looked at one another.
 Let there be peace in the council, said the scribe behind the great table,
taht before the now-empty five thrones of the Ubars of Port Kar.
 I have less interest in piracy, I gather, than many of my collaegues, I
said.  Since my interests are substantially in commerce I, for one, would
welcome peace with Cos and Tyros. It seems not unlikely to me that these two
powers may well be weary of war, as Samos informs us he is. If that is true,
it seems they may well accept an honorable peace. Such a peace would, I note,
open the ports of Tyros and Cos, and their allies and others, to my ships, and
of course, to yours. Peace, my captains, might well prove profitable. I
Samos.  If an offer of peace is to be made to Cos and Tyros, I said,  it is
my hope that it would be genuine. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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