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their other lovers.
Finally the flood diminished to a river, and the river to a stream and the
stream to a trickle of power that drifted from Green's mouth into the room in
general, circling the lights and giving a soft ambient glow to the three
surprised men, sitting, kneeling, lying, stunned about the bed.
"Funky Man?" Green asked hesitantly, looking at his brother's profoundly
beautiful healed body in the soft light. "Are you all right?
"Green?" And the voice was no longer quavering, or wandering or lost. "Your
name is Green." Wonder. Stark wonder. "And my name&  he said, and he looked up
at Green with a beautiful, whole, healthy face lit with pleasure and
amazement. "My name is Twilight.
"Goddess," breathed Eric stilly from his side. "Goddess& Green what did you
"Not me it was my beloved. Look at you, Twilight," he whispered, as Eric fell
back asleep. "You're whole.
They sat, frozen in aftermath, so fixed on the loveliness of a once ruined
brother that when the phone by the newly made bed rang shrilly, they all
"That," said Green practically, "Would be Bracken. And his first words are
going to be 'what in the fuck was that?'" He stretched over the bed to pick up
the phone.
"What in the blue fuck was that?" Bracken snapped at the other end of the
"I was close," Green murmured. Then: "How is she?
Bracken grunted. "Asleep. She was asleep for most of it even when she
was& well, screaming for me to& " Green could actually hear Bracken's blush over
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the phone. Bracken, who had probably had every gender and humanoid species
under the sun, in every position possible and a few that technically weren't,
was blushing. "She doesn't usually make demands," he finished uncomfortably.
"At least not with me.
"Nor with me either," Green said gently. "They were Nicky's demands& 
"She didn't tell you& Nicky, the rest of the care package in the car, lots of
sex? Any of that ring a bell?
"It's been a bitch of a day," Bracken snapped shortly. "We didn't get to her
conversation with Nicky.
Bracken snorted. "So, we're fast asleep, suddenly she starts making these
really& " Again, that audible blush.
"Pornographic. Pornographic demands, and she's making them at the top of her
lungs, and, well, I'm doing my best, but I'm only one sidhe, and then she's
suddenly awake, and really surprised, and I smelled you you were there with
us and then it was a big fucking wash of light and I practically came out my
toes and when it was over, she said, Well, that was weird. And then she fell
"'Well, that was weird?"
"She was too goddamned tired for poetry. What in the blue fuck happened?
Green sighed, scrubbed his face with his hand. "Nicky was having a& rather
crowded encounter, I was& visiting a friend, and Cory was, apparently, accosted
in her sleep through her connection with Nicky. From Nicky to Cory, from me to
Nicky suddenly she wasn't just having sex in her dreams, she was having
everybody's sex in her dreams. And because she does what she does during sex& 
"Power& " Bracken breathed. "But Green where did it go? It was a fucking huge
charge& I could feel it if it was all of us, together, where did all that power
"Into me," Green said simply, and then, with a hand stroking Twilight's lovely
purple hair, he added, "And from me, into Funky Man who's been healed.
Completely. Even his scars are gone, Bracken his hair grew back, he put on
flesh it's like his body had never been ravaged by power in the first place.
"Even his scars?" Bracken asked, then, his voice laced with pain,
"Green& Adrian's scars didn't& did they?
Green breathed deeply. "No. No, brother, they didn't. Because it was just Cory
healing him, I think that's not where her power lies. But this was Cory's
power, through me. I'm good at healing with a few exceptions.
"My heart is not your problem, leader," Bracken said lowly. "And it's not the
issue here. This was huge it was huge, and it was exhausting, and like I said,
she had a bitch of a day is this going to happen again?
That was an excellent question. "She learned to control it before with
practice I think the more experience Nicky gets, the more he'll learn to close
off that connection and she'll learn to block it as she feels it coming on. In
the mean time& " Nicky would be there the morning after next, the afternoon at
the latest. How much sex could he get in, considering that they would be on
the road part of the time? "In the meantime, we'll just have to ask our little
land yacht of love to keep their activities in check unless you two have some
"I think it only happens when she's asleep," Bracken interrupted thoughtfully.
"If Nicky's new& lifestyle& started this afternoon, then it didn't hit Cory at
all until now. I think I can handle it if we're together& 
"Well, given that Hollow Man is still out there, you don't have much choice,
do you?
Another grunt. Bracken could convey more in that one sound than many men could
in a college thesis. "Not really.
"Anyway we'll just make sure they call you before they make any more stops.
"Yeah, that's a phone call I want to get in the middle of class.
Green found himself laughing Bracken as a student. He wished he could be
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there, could be home, to see the transition. Abruptly he sobered. "I want to
be home, he said softly. "This is the longest I've been away from home since
nineteen-twelve." He had gone to Washington D.C., actually, lost and
determined to legitimize his land deed by smooth talking, theft, and glamour,
because otherwise, the government was claiming that his land was open to
public development.
"We want you home," Bracken said softly. "If Funky Man is healed& if he
remembers his name, can't you leave without him?
Green blinked, and looked at the newly reborn Twilight, who was holding his
hand up to the softly glowing ambience left over from the power surge, flexing
his strong fingers, touching where his scars used to be. "I think, Bracken,
that now I need to stay more than ever. If he's healed, he's got information,
and information is exactly what we need. Take care of our beloved, brother.
You won't have to shoulder that alone much longer.
Another grunt, this one with humor. "Good. A couple of nights like this would
kill me.
"You'd go out with a smile.
And with that they rang off, leaving Green alone in the room with Twilight's
quiet wonder, and Eric's sated snoring.
The campus track was starting to feel like an old friend, and Davy's chatty,
supportive presence wasn't uncomfortable either. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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