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32. Rb7 Qh5 71. Kf4 Kg8
ª ° 
33. Qb5 Rf8 72. Ke4 Kf8
34. Qd7 Qf7 73. g7+ Kf7
30. Nd5 77. Kf4
35. Ne7+ Kh8 74. Kf4 Nf6
36. Qxd6 Qf6 75. Kf5 Ng8
37. Qxc5 e4 76. Kg5 Ne7
38. Rb6 Qf7 77.* Kf4 Kg6
39. d4 Qh5 78. Kxf3 drawn
Game 71: B-System Variant EG with White and Black
White and Black play the same strong B-system close variant. BvEG. In fact their positions are
identical thru 12 moves! Black builds a powerful attack in the center and wins a pawn. But white
then outmaneuvers him, and develops a serious threat in his passed rook pawn. This pawn, and
black s exposed king finally make the difference. An excellent game, with one of the best variants.
1. b3 Nf6 39. Qd2 c3
§ ¯ ¨³ § ¹
2. Bb2 b6 40. Qa2+ Kg7
     ¹ ´
3. Nf3 Bb7 41. Bxb5 Qxb5
4. g3 g6 42.* a6 Bxb4
5. Bg2 Bg7 43. Qb3 c2
6. d3 d6 44. a7 Qb7
7. Nbd2 Nbd7 45. Qb2 Kf6
8. O-O O-O 46. h4 h5
     :  ª 
9. * c4 c5 47. Ra4 Qc6
¦ ª ¤² ¦ ²
10. Qc2 Qc7 48.* Qxb4 c1=Q+
9. c4 42. a6
11. e3 e6 49. Bxc1 Qxc1+
12. Rfe1 Rfe8 50. Kh2 Qc6
13. h3 a6 51. Qa3 Qc2
§ § ³ §
14. a3 Rac8 52. Kg2 e3
¯  ¹ 
15. b4 b5 53. Qd6+ Kg7
 Ü ´
16. e4 e5 54. Qxe5+ Kf7
17. cxb5 axb5 55. Qd5+ Kg7
18. Qb3 c4 56.* Ra2 Qe4+
19. dxc4 bxc4 57. Qxe4 fxe4
 ¬ "   
20.* Qc3 d5 58. a8=Q Rxa8
  : ¬ 
21. Rac1 Nb6 59. Rxa8 e2
¦ ¦ ² ²
22. Qc2 Nxe4 60. Ra1 Kf6
20..d5 48. Qxb4
23. Nxe4 dxe4 61. f4 exf3+
24. Nd2 f5 62. Kxf3 Ke5
25. Nb1 Rcd8 63. Ra5+ Ke6
¨ ³ §
26. Nc3 Rd3 64. Kxe2 Kf6
¹  ´
27. a4 Red8 65. Kf3 Kg7
Ü ¯  
28. Rcd1 Qd6 66. Kf4 Kf6
29.* a5 Nd5 67. Re5 Kf7
30. Nxd5 Bxd5 68. Kg5 Kg7
31. Bc3 Bc6 69. Re7+ Kf8
32. Ra1 Bb5 70. Kf6 g5
ª  : ¤  °
33. Bf1 Rd5 71. hxg5 h4
¤¦ ² 34. Be2 Qc6 72. gxh4 Kg8
29. a5 56..Qe4+
35. Red1 R5d7 73. Re8+ Kh7
36. Bd2 Rc8 74. g6+ Kh6
37. Be3 Rxd1+ 75. Rh8++
38. Qxd1 Bf8
Close Variants 179
Game 72: B-System Variant 5 8F with Black
Black avoids a center pawn early attack, and moves into Bv5 8F. A very closed game results:
neither side can make progress, until black finally manages to start a flank attack. Once black
gets his queen and rook on the back ranks, however, his assault is unstoppable. If you prefer
closed games, you ll like the Beginner s Game and the B-system: they re as closed as you want!
1. e4 e6 40. Re1 Qb7
§ ¯³  ¨ ¹ ³
2. d4 b6 41. Rf1 a5
3. Nf3 Bb7 42. Qd2 h5
4. Bd3 d6 43. Ne2 h4
5. O-O Nd7 44. Ne3 Nh7
6. c4 h6 45. Raa1 Bd8
7. d5 e5 46. Kh1 Qb6
 : " ¨ ¬   
8. Nc3 Be7 47. Nc1 Rb7
9. * Be3 Ngf6 48. Nd3 Rba7
¦ ª ¤² ²
10. Bc2 O-O 49.* Ra2 a4
9. Be3 70. Qd2
11. Qe2 c6 50. bxa4 Bxa4
12. Nd2 Qc7 51. Rb1 Qc7
13. Rfe1 Ba6 52. Bxa4 Rxa4
§¨ ³
14. a4 Rfc8 53. Rxa4 Rxa4
 ¹   ³
15. b3 c5 54. Qb2 Nhf8
16. Nf1 Nf8 55. Qb3 Ra6
17. Ng3 Ng6 56. Nf5 Bg5
18. Bd2 Nh4 57. Qc2 Nd7
19. a5 bxa5 58. Be1 Qa7
20. Nd1 Rcb8 59. Nc1 h3
:     ² 
21. Ne3 Ng6 60. g3 Ne7
¦ ª¦ ² ¨
22. Bxa5 Qd7 61. Nxe7+ Bxe7
23. Bd2 Bc8 62. Bd2 Ra3
24. Qf3 Nh4 63. Nd3 Qa6
79. Kg1 Bg5
25.* Qd1 Qb7 64. Kg1 Bd8
§ ¹ ³ 80. Nd3 Qf3
26. Bc3 Bd7 65. Bc1 Ra2
81. Qc2 Bxc1
27. Qe2 Bd8 66. Rb2 Ra1
82. Nxc1 Nxc4
28. f3 Ng6 67. Qc3 Nb6
83. Qf2 Qxd5
29. Qf2 Ne8 68. Rc2 Ra4
84. Nd3 Ra3
30. Ra2 a6 69. Nb2 Ra3
85. Rf1 Ne3
31. Ngf5 Qa7 70.* Qd2 Rxf3
86. Qf8+ Kh7
32. Rea1 Bc7 71. Nd1 Qa1
87. Ne1 Ra1
¤ : ¬  
33. Qe2 Nf6 72. Nb2 Rb3
88. Qf3 Qxf3
¤ ° 34. Qd2 Ne8 73. Qd1 Ra3
89. Rxf3 Rxe1+
35. Qf2 Nf6 74. Kf2 Ra2
90. Kf2 Nc2
36. Qe1 Rb7 75. Re2 Qb1
91.* g4 Re2+
37. Ng3 Rbb8 76. Qb3 f5
92. Kg3 e4
38. Nef5 Ne8 77. exf5 Ra1
93. Rf2 Rxf2 resigns
39. Qf2 Nf6 78. Re1 Qxf5+
Game 73: B-System Variant EFG with White
White plays BvEFG, one of the strongest close variants and a step towards the discovery of the
Beginner s Game. In this game white triumphs by building the attack slowly, bringing his pieces
to the center, and winning the exchange on move 31. He presses his advantage well, and finally
overwhelms his adversary in the endgame. Masterful chess, from an opening for chess masters!
1. e3 e5 40. h3 h4
§ ¯ ¨³ ¨
2. b3 d5 41. Rbb1 f6
     ¹ ´
3. Bb2 Nf6 42. Rb2 Qa3
 ¹ Ü ª 
4. d3 Bd6 43. Rcb1 Qb4
5. Be2 O-O 44. Rc2 Bc7
6. Nd2 c5 45. c5 b5
7. Ngf3 Nc6 46. Bc6 bxa4
8. O-O Bd7 47. Rc4 Qb8
9. * c4 d4 48. Rxa4 Rf8
¦ ª ¤² ¤ ²
10. Ng5 Qe7 49. b4 Ne7
9. c4 53. c6
11. Ba3 Bc7 50. Nd2 Nxc6
12. Bf3 Rae8 51. Qxc6 Bb7
13. Nge4 b6 52. Qe6 Qa8
¨§ ³ ¨
14. Ng3 Rd8 53.* c6 Bc8
¹   ¹ ´
15. Re1 Qd6 54. Qc4 Re8
16. Qe2 Rfe8 55. bxa5 Ba6
17. Nde4 Nxe4 56. Qd5 Rd8
   ª ¬ 
18. Bxe4 Qf6 57. Qe6 Rf8
  : Ü ¤  
19. Qh5 h6 58. Ne4 Bc8
20. Rad1 a6 59. Qd5 Rd8
21. Qf3 Qd6 60. Qc5 Rf8
¦ ¦ ² ¤ ²
22. Rb1 a5 61. a6 Bf5
27. Bd5 63. Rb7
23. Bb2 Ne7 62. Nd6 Bxd3
24. Rbd1 Ng6 63.* Rb7 g5
25. Ra1 Nh4 64. Rxc7+ Kg6
¨ ¨³ ¯ ¨
26. Qh5 Qf6 65. Ra7 Qd8
¹ ¯  ¦ 
27.* Bd5 Rf8 66. Qa3 Be2
28. Ne4 Qe7 67.* c7 Qc8
29. exd4 cxd4 68. Nxc8 Rxc8
 :   ª  
30. a4 Nf5 69. Qb3 g4
   " ¤  
31.* Ba3 Qe8 70. Qe6 Kg5
32. Rac1 Bc8 71. Qxc8 gxh3
33. Qg4 Kh8 72. Qg8+ Kf4
¦ ¦ ² 34. Bxf8 Qxf8 73. c8=Q h2+ ²
31. Ba3
35. Qh5 g6 74. Kxh2 Bh5
36. Qf3 Kg7 75. Qge6 Kg5
37. Re2 h5 76. Qf5+ Kh6
38. Rec2 Bb8 77. Rh7++
39. Rb2 Qb4
Close Variants 181
Game 74: B-System Variant 4xCE with Black
Black plays Bv4xCE, exchanging one of his two attacked center pawns. White quickly creates a
doubled isolated pawn, which he then attacks and wins. But white s pawn advantage doesn t
prove to be worth much: after a long series of exchanges black equalizes, producing his own
counter threats. The game ends in a classic drawn position. B-systems openings are hard to beat!
1. e4 d6 24. Rxg7 Rxb2
§Ü ¯ ¨³
2. d4 Bd7 25. Rxh7 Rxa2
   Ü ¹   ¦
3. Nf3 g6 26.* Rg7 b5
4. Nc3 Bg7 27. Rxg6+Kf7
5. Bc4 e6 28. Rf6+ Ke7
6. O-O Ne7 29. Rf2 Rxf2
7. d5 O-O 30. Kxf2 b4
8. e5 dxe5 31. Ke3 a5
9. * dxe6 Bxe6 32. h4 Ke6
¦ ª ¤² ²
10. Bxe6 fxe6 33. Kd4 a4
9. dxe6 26..b5
11. Qxd8 Rxd8 34. Kc4 a3
12. Ng5 Rd6 35. Kb3 Kxe5
13. Nb5 Rc6 36. g4 Kf4
§Ü ³
14.* Nxe6 Nd7 37. h5 Kg5
   Ü ¹ ´
15. Nbxc7Rc8 38. Ka2 Kh6
16. Bg5 Kf7 39. Kb3 Kh7
17. f4 R8xc7 40. g5 Kg7
18. Nxc7 Rxc7 41. g6 Kf6

19. fxe5+ Ke6 42. Ka2 Kg7
20. Bxe7 Kxe7 43. Kb3 Kf6
21.* Rad1 Rxc2 44. Ka2 Kg7
¦ ¤²
22. Rxd7+ Kxd7 45.* Kb3 drawn
14. Nxe6 after 45. Kb3
23. Rf7+ Ke6
  ¨ ´ ¹

¦ ¤²
21. Rad1
Game 75: B-System Variant 6EG with White
White plays close variant 6EG, against black s compact near B-system deployment. After the
opening black attacks superbly, and almost wins the exchange. White saves himself with strong
counter attacks. There follows a long tactical phase, in which black finally wins a pawn (move 52),
but white out maneuvers him afterwards in brilliant style to win the contest. Great chess!
1. b3 d5 39. Re1 Qa4
§ ¯ ¨³ §
2. g3 Nf6 40. Rbd1 Nd6
      ¨  ³
3. f4 e6 41. Bf3 Ne8
  ¹ Ü   
4. Bg2 Nc6 42. g4 Nd6
5. e3 Bd6 43. g5 Nf5
6. Bb2 O-O 44.* g6 fxg6
7. Nf3 b6 45. Qxe6+ Kh7
8. O-O Ba6 46. Qe2 Re7
   :   ¦ ª²
9. * d3 Ng4 47. Be4 Qd7
¦" ª ¤² ¦
10. Qd2 Bb4 48. Qf2 Rde8
9. d3 52. Qf3
11. Nc3 Bc5 49. Rd2 Nd6
12. Rae1 Nxe3 50. Qg2 Nxe4
13. Rxe3 d4 51. dxe4 Qa4
§ ¨³ ¨ ´
14. Nxd4 Qxd4 52.* Qf3 Qxc4
15. Nd1 Qd6 53. e5 Qf7
  ¯   ¯ 
16.* Qc3 Nd4 54. Kg3 Rf8
17. Kh1 Nf5 55. Qe4 Kh8
18. Re5 Bd4 56. Ree2 Re6
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