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to leave, the next she was being held in his arms. He reached up to the back of her head, pulling out
the pins in her bun and scattering them everywhere, running his fingers through her hair so it fell down
her back and over her shoulders. Then he gripped it tight in his fists and held her steady.
And he kissed her. Hard.
For a moment she was absolutely rigid in his arms. Then her mouth opened beneath his and all that
heat and passion he d tasted earlier that day came flooding out.
She kissed him like she was desperate. Like she was escaping from something.
Perhaps it had been wrong to take her like this, but he d had enough. He could see her fear, could
sense it running through her like a current of icy water in a warm tropical sea. Maybe it had something
to do with that marriage she d talked about, he didn t know. But one thing he was sure of: it went
deeper than all the professor/student shit.
Earlier in the day, a kiss and a hand on the back of her neck had broken through that fear. So he d
made the decision, even before she d arrived at the bar, to take control again. She d told him she
didn t want to think. And shit, he could help her with that.
Dominance games weren t something he d indulged in with women, though he d been asked. They
were reminders of what he d seen in the militia, of how men in positions of power could abuse
people, women especially. His control and his detachment were all that had separated him from those
fucking animals and he had to keep hold of both.
Yet it seemed like she needed this from him. In which case, to hell with his own qualms. Maybe
tonight he d let go of his rules so he could give her what she wanted.
Oh sure, it s all about her.
Okay, so he couldn t kid himself he didn t want this too. Yeah, he d give her what he could, but
he d also make sure he got a little something for himself. Selfish maybe, but, Christ, he d taken lives.
It would be so fucking good to deal out pleasure for a change.
Luc pulled her head back then gripped her chin, holding her as he deepened the kiss. She didn t
resist, her body melting against his as if she d been waiting for this moment for weeks. For years.
Then he let his hand drop to the thin silk of her blouse, cupping the curve of her breast in his palm.
She shuddered in response, jerking slightly as he swept his thumb over her nipple, feeling it harden
under his touch. He did it again and she made a soft, throaty sound that had his already hard cock
aching so he almost couldn t bear it. The soft weight of her in his lap had him wanting to jerk her skirt
up even higher and pull aside her panties, sink himself into all of that softness, all of that heat.
The rest of the world began to fade away. He held the sun in his hands and she was burning, her
heat seeping through his clothes, into his skin. Into the cold recesses of his heart. The dark, numb
places the years with Inza s militia had created.
For the first time since he d gotten back to New Zealand, he felt like he was actually alive, not a
dead man walking.
 Tell me you want me, he ordered softly.  Tell me you want me inside you, fucking you.
Her hands were on his hips, gripping him as tightly as he was gripping her, the tremble of her body
slight but constant, like an earthquake was shaking her.  Yes&  her voice a whisper,  & I want you.
He pinched her nipple through her blouse, the fingers of his other hand twisted in her pale hair.
 Say the rest.
 I want you inside me& fucking me.
The raw sound of the words hit him hard. How many times had he fantasized about her saying that
exact thing? In a voice just like that, all thick and breathy with desire. He dropped his hand from her
breast and pushed it beneath her skirt, fingers sliding along the silky skin of her thigh.
Jesus, what are you doing? You re in a public place, for fuck s sake.
The thought came dimly. But shit, he couldn t stop now. Stopping now would give her room to start
thinking, start being afraid again. And he didn t want her afraid. He wanted to take that fear away
from her entirely.
So he kept his hand moving, sliding around to stroke her inner thigh, and she took a ragged breath
as he stroked higher. To where she was hot and wet. Then higher again, feeling wet, silky fabric
against his fingertips.
Her eyes went wide.  Don t& 
 Spread your thighs.
He removed his hand for a second and grabbed her wrists, forced them behind her, crossing them.
Then he gripped them in one hand, holding them in the small of her back while he slid his free hand
back underneath her skirt.
Her eyes went even wider and she trembled. But she didn t pull away or protest.
Okay, good. This was working for her. Making sure she was looking at him, he let the hard edge of
authority bleed into his voice.  I didn t ask you to think. I asked you to spread your thighs. So do it. I
want to watch you come.
She sat motionless for a long moment. Then he felt the muscles in her thighs relax, opening wider.
He didn t hesitate, keeping his gaze on hers as he pressed his thumb firmly to her clit. Her eyes
darkened, her mouth opening in a silent gasp.
He moved his thumb in slow, firm circles, feeling her hips start to move with him, rocking almost
imperceptibly against his hand. Watching the pleasure he was giving her unfurl over her face was the
most erotic thing he d ever seen. The most powerful.
It made him want to push her higher.
 Keep still, he said roughly.  I ll tell you when I want you to move.
She obeyed him without hesitation, fine tremors shaking her.
There was wet fabric against his fingertips so he pulled it aside, wanting nothing to come between
his skin and the slick heat of her. And when he touched her again she wasn t just hot, she was molten.
Eleanor made a choked sound as he stroked her clit, pressing his fingers against the soft folds of
her pussy. Her head drooped as if she was trying to hide her expression, but he wasn t having any of
that. He wanted to know what she was feeling, whether what he was doing was what she wanted.
 No, he ordered.  Look at me.
 I& can t. Her voice was ragged.  Please, L-Lucien.
Again there was fear in her voice. He didn t want it, wasn t going to have it. She d come with him
this far, she couldn t back out now. She was stronger than this.
Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear while he kept stroking her clit over and over.  Are you a
coward, Professor?
A shudder shook her.  N-no.
 Then& Look. At. Me. I won t ask again.
Slowly, her head lifted, her darkened eyes meeting his. And as he watched, her fear slid away to be
replaced by determination. As if she were a soldier wanting to prove herself in front of a
commanding officer.
It sent a bolt of pure heat straight to his cock. Yeah, fuck, telling her what to do and restraining her
were clearly getting her off. And that made him hard. Made him want to take it further.
Dangerous, you prick. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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