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> you make when you close off your own thoughts from yourself." Class
> ends. A thousand expert carpenters begin rebuilding walls, dividing
> my self into a thousand different rooms. A house is not a home. These
> words come to me once again as I sit behind the walls of my being.
> May 23rd - A sweet elderly man visits for the evening. A portrait of
> Seth painted by Rob hangs on the wall directly above the chair this
> man occupies. Someone remarks how this elderly man has a strong
> likeness to the image of Seth in the painting.
> Enter Seth: "The gods have a sense of humor, and that is all I have
> to say."
> The elderly man died a few weeks later. I wonder what portraits
> populate his new reality?. Perhaps the paintings in his world look
> out upon the people and the paintings age and die, and the people
> remain ageless.
> May 30th - Enter Seth: "Your own thoughts rise up and become
> landscapes in other layers of dimensions even that you do not
> perceive." On the way home as I look out the car window I wonder:
> Whose thoughts became the stars that night; and whose thoughts became
> the moon; and whose thoughts became the rivers and the oceans. Fun
> musings as I drift off and the phrase Landscapes of Thought flashes
> across my mind.
> June 6th - Enter Seth: "In this room you are to respond to each other
> as individuals. You are to seek out and see the individual, not the
> mother, not the father, not the boy, not the man, not the woman, not
> the daughter or the son, but the person, and to respond in that
> manner." Good advice for any group I'd say.
> June 13th - Enter Seth: "It is only when you ignore and do not trust
> the mobility of your own feeling that it builds up like a dam...Ten
> days later the dam breaks, as Hurricane Agnes, one of the worst
> floods in Elmira history devastates the town.
> July 8th - Enter Seth: "I did not want you to think that I got washed
> away by the flood."
> July 25th - "You are an event who questions what an event is. So your
> question is: What is it that questions what it is. And the answer
> obviously can only come from the one who questions what it is."
> August 1 - Fingertips move tables; wooden legs dance about the room
> defying conventional ideas and definitions. I always wanted to
> participate in some kind of table tipping; and if there are no
> accidents, why did I decide to skip class that week?
> August 15th - Enter Seth: "When I speak loudly I do things with the
> air. And I change your reality, for sounds have a vitality from which
> worlds were created.
> August 22nd - "An imaginative event is as real as a physically
> materialized one." My mind struggles to define real, to define event,
> to understand. Perhaps, all I need to do is imagine that I do
> understand and then the imaginative event will become real. Boy this
> stuff can get confusing.
> August 29th - I come bounding up the stairs and start excitedly
> telling Jane about this great book I read last week called Jonathan
> Livingston Seagull by someone named Richard Bach. Jane listens
> patiently and when I'm done nods to this guy sitting on the couch and
> says, "Rich, meet Richard Bach."
> September 5th - Enter Seth: "Your inner self is not trying to remind
> you of seriousness. It smiles as you are smiling now." I never did
> like the _expression "Get serious." I used to prefer the
> _expression "Get real." But now, when someone says "Get Real" my mind
> starts debating what is real and what is imaginative for words just
> don't mean what they used to. Perhaps we need a whole new vocabulary
> to view the world until there will be no need of words at all. But
> for now...
> September 12th - Enter Seth: "I do not want any respectable long
> faces here. We do not want those in class who speak of repentance and
> sin; who carry upon themselves the great responsibility of the world
> and relish in it."
> September 19th - "Humility is pride in your part of All That Is. It
> is not a cringing voice that says, "I am nothing! I bow down before
> the gods of the universe, or before any god."
> September 26th - If you can change your beliefs in a split second
> with enough strength and intensity, and reverse yourself in mid-air
> so to speak, the results could be instantaneous." I think of a
> seagull in mid-flight reversing direction and am reminded of the
> connections I felt between Richard Bach and myself.
> October 3rd - In trying to understand the concept of beliefs, I asked
> Seth the following:
> If I believe I can go up to a lonely mountain that nobody inhabits
> and that in ten years a beautiful woman with purple hair and purple
> eyes is going to fall in love with me; if I believed it strongly
> enough then would it happen?
> Seth responded: "If you believed it strongly enough and if you did
> not find it easier to accept a woman with a different color hair, and
> if there were not a reason why you could not simply accept a normal
> love on a normal street corner, and if you are willing to offset all
> the other connections, and believed it deeply enough, THEN GO WITH MY
> And with that, I'll end this presentation and hope you enjoyed it.
Jane Roberts quotes Dr. Joseph Murphy
-- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Notes by Jane from Dr. Joseph
Murphy's The Power of Your
Subconscious Mind:
The power of your subconscious is enormous. It inspires you, guides you, reveals to
you names and facts and scenes from the storehouse of memory. It started your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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