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attack on the street fighters that had been planned by the 1956, #1059-1060, TsKhSD, f. 89, per. 45, dok. 25.
be sufficient. If the situation further deterio-
Hungarian Defense Ministry and the military sub-com- 11. Information from Zhukov to the CC CPSU, TsKhSD,
rates, then, of course, it will be necessary to
mittee of the Hungarian Central Committee. Daniel F. f. 89, op. 2, d. 3, l. 27.
reexamine the whole issue in its entirety.
Calhoun, Hungary and Suez, 1956: An Exploration of 12. Information from Fiubin in Belgrade, 11 January
We do not have yet a final opinion of the
Who Makes History (Lanham, MD: University Press of 1957, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 4, l. 43.
America, 1991), 331. Zoltan Tildy, formerly President 13. Information from Andropov in Budapest, 8 No-
situation how sharply it has deteriorated.
of the Hungarian Republic and Secretary General of the vember 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 3, ll. 1-3.
After the session today at 11 o clock Mos-
Smallholders Party, had been named deputy prime min- 14. Valerii Musatov,  SSSR I Vengerskie Sobytiia
cow time, the situation in the Central Com-
ister by Nagy on October 27 after Tildy was released 1956 g.: Novye Akhivnye Materialy, Novaia
mittee will become clear and we will inform
after eight years of detention in May 1956. Noveishaia Istorii 1 (Jan. 1993), 18.
2. Information from Mikoyan in Budapest, 27 October 15. Information from Andropov in Budapest, 12 Octo-
you. We think the swift arrival of Comrade
1956, Tsentr Khranenia Sovremennoi Dokumentatsii ber 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 2, l. 76.
Konev is essential. 20 Marshal I.S. Konev
(TsKhSD) [Center for the Preservation of Contempo- 16. Information of Andropov from Budapest, 14 Octo-
was the Soviet commander-in-chief of the
rary Documents], f. 89, per. 45, dok 9, l. 3. ber 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 2, l. 89.
Warsaw Pact s armed forces, who would
3. Calhoun, Hungary and Suez, 1956, 229. 17. Ciphered telegram from Yu. V. Andropov in
4. Charles Gati, Hungary and the Soviet Bloc (Durham, Budapest, 1 November 1956, AVP RF, f. 059a, op. 4, p.
lead the invasion of Hungary days after that
NC: Duke University Press, 1986), 141. 6, d. 5 , ll. 17-19.
message was sent.
5. Information of Mikoyan and Suslov from Budapest, 18. Information fom Serov in Budapest, 27 October
Once Imre Nagy realized the Soviet
25 October 1956, AVP RF, f. 059a, op. 4, p. 6, d. 5, l. 9. 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 2, l. 132. Kovacs, the
leaders deception, he did break ranks en- 6. Calhoun, Hungary and Suez, 229. former Secretary General of the Smallholder Party, had
7. Aleksander Stykalin and Elena Orekhova, been rehabilitated in August 1956 and appointed Min-
tirely, declaring Hungary s neutrality and
 Vengerskie Sobytiia 1956 Goda I Pozitsiia SSSR (Po ister of Agriculture by Nagy on October 27.
withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact some-
Materialam TsKhSD) Slavianovedenie: Otdelnyi Ottisk 19. Information of Mikoyan and Suslov, 30 October
thing no other East European leader had the
(Moscow, Russia, 1994). Charles Gati also pinpoints 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89. per. 45, dok. 12, l. 3.
courage to do.
October 28 as  Nagy s first turning point. Hungary 20. Ibid.
and the Soviet Bloc, 128.
1. Ciphered telegram from Yu. V. Andropov in 8. Information of Serov about the situation in Hungary Johanna Granville is asst. professor of political science
Budapest, 1 November 1956, Arkhiv Vneshnei Politiki on 29 October 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, per. 45, dok. 11, l. at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Cur-
Rossiiskoi Federatsii (AVP RF) [Archive of Foreign 1. rently a Fulbright Scholar (1994-95), she is conducting
Policy of the Russian Federation], fond [f.] 059a, opis 9. Information of Mikoyan from Budapest to the CC research in the Communist Party and Foreign Ministry
[op.]. 4, papka [p.]. 6, delo [d.] 5, list [l.] 17-19. Later, CPSU, 26 October 1956, TsKhSD, f. 89, op. 2, d. 2, l. 98. archives in Moscow.
it is true, on October 28, at 5:30 a.m. Nagy called off an 10. Telegram from Firiubin in Belgrade, 4 November
IMRE NAGY, aka  VOLODYA  adopted them from Malenkov, after the latter 4 November 1956, Nagy was forced out of
A DENT IN THE MARTYR S HALO? was safely ousted from the prime power by a massive Soviet intervention, and
ministership. Nagy, author of the 1953  New ultimately, at 5 a.m. on 16 June 1958, after a
by Johanna Granville Course, was Khrushchev s political kins- secretly-staged show trial, Khrushchev had
man, the epitome of communist new think- him executed, to show other East European
When Nikita Khrushchev dropped the ing for his time. leaders just how far he would permit liberal
other shoe with his  Secret Speech at the In Western history texts, Nagy has be- reforms in the Soviet bloc to go. But Imre
Twentieth Party Congress in February 1956, come a genuine hero and tragic figure. As Nagy, it was said, despite the political set-
not only did he expose Stalin s crimes, he former KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov wrote backs it would bring him, was always ready
also created a public image of himself as a bitterly, Nagy acquired in death a  martyr s to speak the truth, to refuse to perform self-
patron of  different paths to socialism that halo. A professor of agricultural economy criticism ( samokritika ).
would later prove hard to uphold.1 All over and long-time member of the Hungarian Indeed, Machiavelli s admonition [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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