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and my good things are better than all other good things, I give freely, and reward the
intelligent with joy and gladness, glory, riches, and delights, and them that seek after me I
make to know and understand, and to possess divine things.'
p. 142
"Behold, that which the philosophers have concealed is written with seven letters; for
Alpha and Yda follow two, and Sol in like manner follows the book. Nevertheless, if thou
art willing that he should have Dominion, observe the Art, and join the son to the
daughter of the water, which is Jupiter and a hidden secret.
"Auditor, understand. Let us use our Reason. Consider all with the most accurate
investigation, which in the contemplative part I have demonstrated to thee, the whole
matter I know to be the one only thing. But who is he that understands the true
investigation and inquires rationally into this matter? It is not from man, nor from
anything like him or akin to him; nor from the ox or bullock, and if any creature conjoins
with one of another species, that which is brought forth is neutral from either."
"Thus saith Venus: 'I beget light, nor is the darkness of my nature, and if my metal be not
dried all bodies desire me, for I liquefy them and wipe away their rust, even I extract their
substance. Nothing, therefore is better or more venerable than I, my brother also being
"But the King, the Ruler, to his brethren, testifying of him, saith: 'I am crowned, and I am
adorned with a royal diadem. I am clothed with the royal garment, and I bring joy and
gladness of heart, for being chained, I caused my substance to lay hold of, and to rest
within the arms and breast of my mother, and to fasten upon her substance, making that
which was invisible to become visible, and the occult matter to appear. And everything
which the philosophers have hidden is
p. 143
generated by us. Hear, then, these words, and understand them. Keep them, and meditate
thereon, and seek for nothing more. Man in the beginning is generated of nature, whose
inward substance is fleshy, and not from anything else. Meditate on these plain things,
and reject what is superfluous.'
"Thus saith the philosopher: 'Botri is made from the citrine, which is extracted out of the
Red Root, and from nothing else; and if it be citrine and nothing else Wisdom was with
thee. It was not gotten by thy care, nor if it be freed from redness, by thy study. Behold, I
have circumscribed nothing. If thou hast understanding, there be but few things
"Ye Sons of Wisdom! Turn then the Breym Body with an exceeding great fire, and it will
yield gratefully what you desire. And see that you make that which is volatile, so that it
cannot fly, and by means of that which flies not. And that which yet rests upon the fire, as
it were itself a fiery flame, and that which in the heat of a boiling fire is corrupted, is
"And know ye that the Art of this permanent water is our brass and the colouring of its
tincture and blackness is then changed into the true red.
"I declare that, by the help of God, I have spoken nothing but the truth. That which is
destroyed is renovated, and hence the corruption is made manifest in the matter to be
renewed, and hence the melioration will appear, and on either side it is a signal of Art."
"My Son, that which is born of the Crow is the beginning of this Art. Behold, now I have
obscured the matter treated of, by circumlocution, depriving thee of the light. Yet this
dissolved, this joined, this nearest and farthest off, I have named to thee. Roast those
things, therefore, and boil them in that which comes from the horse's belly for seven,
fourteen or twenty-one days. Then will the Dragon eat his own wings and destroy
himself. This being done, let it be put into a fiery furnace, which lute diligently, and
observe that none of the spirit may escape.
"And know that the periods of the earth are in the water, which let it be as long as until
thou puttest the same upon it. This matter being thus melted and burned, take the brain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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