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support and enthuse the being to move forward. or super-mundane activity according to the purpose
of the soul. A relaxed approach to life is helpful the
Cycle 7 (42 to 49 years) relaxation contemplated here is one of mental attitude
This is the period which is akin to that of the preceding but not physical retreat. Man needs to be quiet, calm
one where all activities are on their rise, while there and equipoised in meeting the situations of life, since
is no concurrent cooperation coming from the bodily he is already in the field of activity over 21 to 24 years.
system. The body throws signs and signals of weakness He would have fairly familiarized himself with the
which needs to be given much more attention than uncertainties of life and the surprises it throws from
before and one should make haste to plan for the logical time to time. He should be matured enough in this
conclusion of activities initiated 14 to 18 years ago. cycle to meet the unexpected. The knowledge and the
He needs to foresee the logical conclusion of domestic, philosophy that he gains in the two preceding cycles
economic and social responsibilities. He also needs should be of help to him. He should be able to find
to be conscious of a logical conclusion in the cycles the needed detachment from the thick involvement
to come and work accordingly consolidating the life in objective activities. This is called a detached
activity in all its aspects so that the next cycle would be attachment. It means he is learning to be dispassionate
one of a relaxed functioning. in responding to events. To be dispassionate should not
By the end of this cycle he would have completed be misunderstood as disinclination. He does things
7 cycles of 7 years and he is hardly left with 5 more consciously, but the passion and the related involvement
cycles, health and longevity permitting. is gradually reduced. Passion and involvement causes
The future life depends much upon the goals set attachment to the objectivity which is ever-changing
and the targets reached so far. and impermanent. He would feel much better when
there is a semi-retreat from this state so that his actions
Cycle 8 (49 to 56 years) will be much more balanced and he loses not the calm,
Early birds retreat soon. There are few who could which is essential for his bodily system. Life moves
finish early their obligations to the family, settle forward as usual, but the indweller of the human body is
economically and socially well in life and pursue life developing interest other than those that are mundane.
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Cycle 9 (56 to 63 years) Cycle 10, 11 and 12 (63 to 84 years)
The triple activity of family, economics and society The last 3 cycles of 7 years can be totally dedicated to
needs to get concluded in this cycle. It is timely to do voluntary service, study of scriptures and meditation.
so. If it had happened in the earlier cycle he is called On conclusion of 10th cycle all service activities that
an early bird. If it happens in this cycle he is neither demand physical exertion can be relinquished and only
early nor late. One should have the ability to conclude study and meditation can be pursued. On conclusion
much of the outer obligatory activity and should find of 11th cycle study can be set aside and man can
freedom for oneself to relate to subjects of interest stay with meditation. During the 12th cycle he may
which are purely voluntary and which nourish the soul consciously depart with the help of right meditation,
more than the body and personality. Obligatory karma having fulfilled the purpose of life.
binds man and the whole life is but initially gaining Such is the timetable given by the seers which can
abilities to fulf il the obligations of life. They need be followed more or less according to one s ability.
to get fulfilled by the end of this cycle. Man lives in Even if you fall short by one cycle it does not matter.
society and is therefore obligated to society. This he The brilliant may finish earlier by a cycle. The normal
discharges by serving the society by one vocation or the ones may finish by the intended cycles or by a cycle
other. He is given a body, he is therefore obligated to later. Much depends on the past and present karma,
the Devas that gave him the body. This he discharges by the individual effort and the grace of the Divine which
proffering bodies to the incarnating soul. Man is also may intervene to help due to ardent prayers. This is how
obligated to the body that maintains him through and the cycle of Uranus is seen as a cycle of fulfilment.
through the journey on earth. He therefore discharges
his obligations to it by right feed, right maintenance
and right attitude. In discharging these obligations he
learns, experiences and realizes that life is one of service
to all those who serve him including his body. Having
discharged fairly well his obligations the nature releases
him to be free to pursue what is intended by the soul so
as to fulfil the very purpose of life.
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as the bridge to the ultimate and the bridge from the
ultimate. This fiery spirited river flows essentially into
25 all the seven sub-planes of the seventh plane, basing on
which successive six planes with seven sub-planes find
Varuna Vena their passage (there are seven planes and each plane
Karma Neutralization has seven sub-planes. The seventh plane with its seven
sub-planes forms the seed for the rest of the six planes
Vena is a fiery river that flows in the palace of Varuna of seven sub-planes each). This is comparable to the
which bestows rebirth in spirit. This river is worthy of seven musical tones with their seven sub-tones in each
recollection every morning as one wakes up from sleep tone. Music is originally intended for musing. Musing
and every evening as one goes into sleep. is a process of absorption into the source. Sound is its
Puranas describe a Gandharva called Vena. vehicle.
Gandharvas are supra-cosmic beings who are not bound Vena, the Gandharva, flows in the palace of Varuna
by creation. They exist as musical movements in the as said earlier. Varuna is the supra-cosmic being that
space and assist the creational work and the creational descends as states of consciousness in all the seven
beings. The music of these Gandharvas is presided in planes. The states of consciousness of all seven times
creation by the Kumaras who are the Sons of Will. seven planes are thus linked by the passage of the
Among them Narada is considered the foremost. Vena. The passage is poetically described as a river. It
Among the Gandharvas there is one kingly essentially flows in the seven sub-planes of the seventh
Gandharva called Vena who is said to be residing in the plane. In the inferior planes its reflection flows showing
palace of Varuna who flows from absolute to seeming, the way. In the human being this flow of the river
from Is Not to Is, from apparent non-existence Vena is in between the seventh centre and the sixth
to seeming existence. This Gandharva, Vena, is the centre, namely Sahasrara and Ajna. The consciousness
essence of the Aquarian passage and one of the residents of Sahasrara is linked to the consciousness of Ajna
of the palace of Varuna. He moves like a fiery river through this thread of Vena otherwise called river. This
with ease between the two states, if at all they can be path covers the seven sub-planes of the seventh plane
called states. This river energy could also be described presided over by the seven cosmic seers. The path is
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guarded by Narada who gives the touch of this path to plane its flow into the rest of the six planes with the seven
the most sublime beings to reach the ultimate. sub-planes is called Varuni. It enables comprehension
The Purana therefore recommends to the Yoga at every plane of existence.
students (disciples) to regularly meditate upon the At each of the six planes there are six plexus in
sevenfold palace of Varuna in the seventh plane and the man and in cosmos. These plexus secrete to enable the
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