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the laughter of children stops. There are individuals whose personality is so offensive that we
avoid them whenever possible. The physical outlines, clothing the personality, are indicative
also of the true character of the individual. Men living on the earth-plane are, with our present
understanding of these things, very apt to be judged according to their outward or physical
appearance. In the afterlife, divested of the flesh garment, character is apparent to all those
with whom intercourse is held, and many will stand before the mirror of Nature in their
nakedness; in truth, our personality has always been visible to the inhabitants of the afterlife,
because they too are living a material existence, and being etheric, all etheric or mental action
is visible to them when they come within the zone of our thought action.
The very proper desire of mankind is to enrich itself, but the difficulty is that we have yet to
learn of what true riches consist. True, money is necessary during this little journey on earth,
but true wealth consists of happiness, and that is found in leading a chaste, upright, just life, in
doing something for others, and being true to oneself. Lives of that character grow rich
indeed, and they do not have to wait until the afterlife to enjoy the wealth so gathered. Upon
the other hand, the captain of finance who, with ruthless hands, has taken from others what
they have earned and has accumulated a great horde, having no lofty aspirations, goes out into
the next world a pauper indeed, for his better self has not been developed, and the lines of
force that have emanated from his mentality are short and dark.
Those who pass out having led fairly good lives, find a condition where it is light, a condition
of their own making; in the change they seldom lose consciousness, but pass into an
environment where to the limit of their capacity, everything is understood, where without the
loss of a day they are ready to continue to labor, to comprehend the economy of Nature's law,
to better understand their duties and their responsibilities, and to continue a part of the active
force. Those who have led narrow and selfish lives find just the condition that they have been
from day to day making, and that condition is a grossly material one. If you were to build a
house without windows, how could you expect light to penetrate? The position of men in the
state referred to is not one to be desired. If the world would only learn that true wealth and
happiness are found in doing the best we can under all circumstances, and that wealth
righteously gathered is not only enjoyed here, but is taken into the afterlife, the ambition and
desire of humanity would be changed in an instant. It is a misfortune to have been wrongly
educated, and especially to have been taught that money can purchase happiness, or that
money is the one goal that all should seek.
A spirit speaking on this general subject has said:
"You all give off an aura, and if you knew the conditions emanating from some people, you
would very quickly eject them from your home. In those whose lives are not strictly upright
we find the aura very bad, mixed, cloudy, confused. The emanations of people of good health
vary in shade from white, pale pink, to rose colour. When the auras approach the dark colours,
browns, greys, and blacks, we know that the person is wrong in some way. Now this aura is
influenced by passions such as hate, envy, malice, evil speaking, anger, and when one sets out
to do an injury to another, let me assure you that he injures himself far more than the other
The power of thought for good or ill is demonstrated in various ways.
Let a number of persons concentrate an evil thought upon another, and the effect will be
found most disastrous. Again, when a band of people concentrate their thought upon one who
is ill, they thereby send him vital force and strength and power. The result is restoration to
health. This is the basis of the health that comes through Christian Science practice. It is all
the result of concentrating the lines of force at a specified point. The result is good or bad
depending upon the character of the force that is projected and concentrated at a given point.
I have been told that a clean, highly developed thought goes out into the ether with the
appearance of a search light, starting from a central point and radiating through space. Mind is
matter, and thoughts are things, and so wonderfully active is the operation, that we are
continually forming our mental creations in such refined substance.
With all our development, and it has been great, we are able to hear only a few of the sounds
that vibrate in our atmosphere. With all our achievements we are unable to see motion except
it be slow in movement and in physical garment.
On this subject one said: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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