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heard that the job was open. As to that fornicating business, you must
understand that these are my wives, not my slave girls. We're not barbarians!
Our contracts call for me to be the biological father of their children, to
share in their upbringing, and to support the family during that period. After
that, we all get to discreetly play around a bit, when the mood strikes."
"And you figure that raping your boss counts as 'discreet'?"
"In this case, discreet means that the children shouldn't be affected."
"Getting yourself fired just might affect the way you support them."
"I rather doubt that, sir. At worst, it might mean that I'll have to work for
longer periods between home leaves. It might take me eighty years subjective to
raise the lot, instead of forty. Maybe not a bad thing at all."
"Your people are weirder than the Smoothies."
"We have a saying, sir. 'Weird depends on where you came from.' By my lights,
the really weird bunch are the Incas. If you keep me around, I'll tell you some
about them."
"Fitz, you have more gall than any twelve people I've ever met."
"Well, sir, it's just that after a certain number of ass chewings, there's not
much left but scar tissue, which is low on nerve endings. Did you want me to
send the girls over in a group, or one at a time?"
"One at a time." I figured that it might be difficult getting the bunch of them
over my knee without hurting one of them.
Where I grew up, you don't hit a woman, not ever. But hitting someone means
striking them with the intention of doing physical damage to their person, and
spanking is another matter entirely. It involves deliberately causing someone
pain and humiliation, but not actual damage. In spanking, you strike with the
palm of your hand, and only on the bare buttocks of the person being punished.
The human butt contains the biggest, strongest bones in the body, which are
covered with the biggest normal muscles in the body, which are covered by an
inevitable layer of fat, and lastly by some sturdy skin with lots of sensitive
nerve endings.
I expect that Ian might say that God built the human fanny with a definite
purpose in mind.
"Right sir. There's a small room with a chair in it that might serve your
purpose. It's through that door. I'll send Judy around first. She's the redhead.
She rather enjoys a bit of spanking."
Suddenly, I had bad feelings about all this.
The Wedding
I spent a day and a night sobering up. Then Prescott, my mathematician, showed
up with a blindfold and said that if I wanted to get to my wedding on time, I
had to put it on.
After a very short trip, she took off my blindfold and I was in one of my rarely
used guest rooms, where my bath girls had a duplicate of my last wedding outfit
all laid out and ready. Or maybe, they'd just had the old one cleaned up. In an
hour, Ian and my ushers arived looking not a bit abashed, and we rode on
horseback to the cathedral, waving to the cheering crowds.
The sky was clear blue, and spotted with white clouds. The cathedral was
beautiful, and decked with white flowers. My Barbara was the most beautiful of
all, swathed in acres of white lace, and just stepping out of her father's white
carriage as my party arrived.
Inside, after an abbreviated mass, Barb's father presented her to me before the
thousands of people present, and she was by ancient custom officially mine now,
once the Spanish speaking priest mumbled out a few memorized lines in English.
On the way to the reception hall, in an open white carriage drawn by four white
horses, Barbara said, "On the way to church, I heard about your bachelor party."
"Ian gets carried away, sometimes."
"So do you. Are you really planning on demoting every man on the island?" Barb
was smiling and waving to the crowds.
"I've been thinking about it, and you know, it's just not logically possible.
file:///C|/2590%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%2...rd%207%20-%20Conrad's%20Time%20Machine.txt (125 of 156) [12/28/2004 4:51:11 PM]
Every man who is in any kind of managerial position in the entire organization
was at that party. If I demote every one of them, all that happens is that the
whole company goes down a few pegs, but their relative positions go unchanged.
So what's the point?"
"Not quite, Tom. Half the managers on the island are women. Demoting the men
would put them in charge. Smile. Wave to the people."
I smiled and waved.
"And you think that this would be an improvement?"
"It might be fun, but seriously, no, it would cause many more problems than it
would cure."
"Right. I think I'll just let them all worry about it for a few days, to get
back at them for what they did to me, and then rescind the order."
"Good. Next question. Did you really spank all three of Leftenant Fitzsimmon's
"No. That wouldn't have done any good, either. The first one showed up already [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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