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71. I shall clarify the law of the blending of atoms. The law of differentiation varies as much as
do the forms of Be-ness; but the law of blending is one, and therein lies the entire cosmic beauty.
The differentiation draws the Origins into the furthest spheres. When in spirit the Origins
are divested of seeking, the magnetic force weakens and passes from the psycho-cosmic magnet
into two sharply contrasted forms. The separation and temporary delay is occasioned by the
weakening of the psycho-magnet of the spirit; in a strong spirit it develops into antagonism, in a
weak one into submission. But the unifying law is one.
The realization of search and the forward striving of the Origins strengthens the psycho-
cosmic magnet, and the attraction grows during hundreds and thousands of years until the final
union is reached. A great, great law! Thus is the Universe created by the beauty of Cosmic Union.
One may affirm that the level of human consciousness is proportionate to the planetary
manifestation, but one cannot insist on comparing the  level of Cosmos to that of the planet.
How can one admit such a ration when Cosmos is boundless and gushes like a fiery stream,
dispersing its sparks to generate life in all Space! One is the stream and numberless the sparks.
One is the Cosmos and infinite the forms.
We, your Brothers, know that page of life wherein is inscribed the oneness of Cosmos.
We affirm that the manifested evolution is created not in dissociation but in a limitless striving of
harmony. The more beautiful, the more high. The more powerful, the more high. Why manifest
conflict between spirit and matter when they issue from one Source? Why not intensify the power
and feel the psycho-life of Cosmos within oneself?
We call to the Primary Source of conception. For centuries We have applied Our striving
to give humanity the joy of Be-ness. But they who are participants in Cosmos manifest a lack of
discernment and dream of rest and completion in the one shell. One should understand that the
web comprises many threads of yarn and that the weaving action is repeated many times. The
cosmic web consists of all manifestations of psychic energy and is adorned by Materia Lucida.
The path is adorned by the striving toward Infinity.
72. We bring to humanity the most creative possibilities. We lead humanity toward realization of
Truth. We proclaim the cosmic life as embodiment of the principle of perpetuity. One should
accept the manifestation of cosmic energy as a fact of daily life, as the herald of new lives.
We manifest the Brotherhood as the affirmation of cosmic power, and Our symbol is the
material result.
The books of Agni Yoga are a gift to humanity. I affirm the gift of the spirit; the
approach of Fire will give to mankind a newly inscribed line, leading to the highest
manifestations. We consider as most important and valuable the high manifestation of spirit
which is linked with the appearance of the fires. We respect a high straight-knowledge and can
impart Our treasures to the spirits closest to Us.
If people could but understand the call of Space and the true Image of an Arhat! Even the
best people do not recognize the fire of the spirit; dimly glows their understanding of an Arhat.
73. In rejecting responsibility, man deprives himself of a most wonderful feeling and of a
personal, affirmed, creative force. Man, transmuting the fires of Space into forms, cannot cast
aside his responsibility. Each form created in Cosmos will correspond to the form of the spirit.
All generated forms will correspond to the forms created by the spirit in its ceaseless striving
toward perfection. The feeling of responsibility must raise the cosmic creativeness.
When the spirit develops in the direction of Infinity, then the feeling of responsibility
acquires the power manifested by the Creators of Cosmos. Begin to realize personal responsibility
and strive toward cosmic responsibility. There is the step of personal responsibility, the step of
responsibility for human thought, the step of responsibility for human evolution, the step of
responsibility for a better future. When thinking will be perfected, it will be possible to say that
the time of construction of a better future is near.
In Cosmos lives that power of reason which is called the cosmic rhythm, and the whole
of human life depends on the cycle of this rhythm. But let us assume that the cycle, which
generates reciprocally with the Cosmos, has been affirmed, and that the psychic energy is
defining the current of evolution.
The mutual interrelation of responsibility is limitless.
74. People who circumscribe themselves by the evident, and who sense only the obvious, limit
their world. The visible does not lead to Infinity, and therefore a limited mind is attempting to
solve the creative complexities. Infinity can be cognized. The supreme understanding can be
attained only by a supreme cognizance. The highest perception is accessible only to the one who [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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