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Cleopatra eyes and the ankh, or maybe it had something to do with me spitting their leader's blood as I
passed them.
I yanked open the gate's grating. "Now," I said to Rhys.
"Yes, ma'am," he said, quickly handing me Asp.
I saw that Lex's hand was under his coat and I knew what he had. A man who could get a
morning-after pill in the Arab Republic of Egypt would have no problem getting hold of a gun.
That he hadn't used it against Phil, that he'd chosen honor over life, was something I'd have to consider
when I had more time. For now I stared, just long enough for him to know that I knew, and I mouthed,
Don't .
His empty hand fell loose to his side. But his glare told me that he wasn't convinced. Well, fine. If Hani
killed me, Lex was welcome to shoot him.
"If you gentlemen will take care of the others," I called over my shoulder, as I turned back to Jane
Fletcher's ex-husband, "I'm about to give Mr. Rachid a lesson in woman's spirituality."
Particularly the power of the bitch goddess.
Chapter 22
With ten thousand names,Isismust have a few that have nothing to do with healing, mercy or
It was that aspect of her that I channeled now.
Hani staggered to his feet, hunched but desperate, when he saw me stalking at him with my sword.
Blood trailed from the corners of his mouth and down his chin, as if he were some kind of vampire
sheikh. Not far from us, a camel gargled its disapproval.
Or maybe it was approval. Who could tell, with camels?
"I want you to understand a couple of things," I said grimly. "I really do. First, women are not property."
He lifted one hand and, with a snick, a switchblade appeared to gleam in the torchlight against the
darkness. "Hah!"
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"I know you think I'm lying, what with me being a witch and all," I continued, lifting Asp so that he could
get the full effect of his own weapon's inadequacy. The words, I suspected, were an even more effective
weapon. "But face reality, Hani. Whether you want it or not, Jane and Kara are safe in the embassy."
"Not forever," he warned, his voice thick and slurred with blood. "They will come out, and I will kill
Now he'dkill them? He was upset, wasn't he? And apparently, he only had one brutal way of handling
that upset.
"Tala is doing just fine on her own," I reminded him. "And hey, here I am, about to kick your ass. To
believe that women aren't independent beings, in the face of this kind of proof, you can't just be a
chauvinist. You'd have to be delusional."
Speaking of delusional, he swung at me with his switchblade.
My sword tip caught it and held it, both of us exerting pressure. But I wasn't having to exert very much,
with the leverage I had. Good Asp.
"A second thing you should remember," I said, "is that violence begets violence. You think you can beat
the world into submission. But haven't you noticed that everything that's gone wrong in your life is a direct
result of your trying to hurt someone else?"
"Shut up," he lisped, clearly not getting rule number one. Delusional it was.
When he lunged at me I spun, letting him stumble by. When he tried again, I simply turned again. Now
his back was to& interesting! A particularly long shadow was, in fact, an excavation trench.
I noticed, with the edge of my attention, that the inner circle of the Comitatus did have a few warrior
abilities. They seemed to be taking care of Hani's thugs nicely.
"That's the third thing," I continued. "What goes around, comes around. That's why life shouldn't be a
competition, but a partnership. You're a textbook example."
He lunged again, not even listening. I spun again.
Nowmy back was to the trench.
The next time he came at me, I let him crowd me backward, nearer to its drop.Don't stumble on a rock.
Do notstumble on a rock !
"If you hadn't mistreated Jane, she may never have divorced you," I said. "You might have had more
children, maybe even a son. Instead, you lost your only daughter. Nobody did that but "
He thrust at me again. I feinted back farther. One of my booted feet slid in the sand but I regained my
" you. As far as that goes, if you hadn't bullied me and Rhys, I might have refused to help Jane and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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