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trapping them in one big hand. He leaned in to run kisses and love bites along the
sensitive skin on the undersides, trailing down to Brody s chest. His mouth latched on to
a nipple and he flicked the ring with is tongue, then tugged it gently between his teeth.
 Oh, god, Brody moaned as the pull went right to his groin, and he bucked his hips, a
silent entreaty for more.
 Mmm& love these, Brody. So damn sexy. He pinched the head of Brody s cock.  Ever
think about a PA? His mouth went back to work on the nipple, biting and sucking while
his fingers continued to pinch and pull at the fleshy underside of his cock. He d been
drunk as shit when he d gotten the nips done and the next day swore he d never do
anything so stupid again. Whit s wicked mouth and fingers had him ready to change his
 Whatever you want, he promised recklessly.
Whit laughed.  We have a lifetime to explore& you might regret those words someday.
 Never, Brody promised.
Whit released his hands then and crawled up his body so they were face-to-face. He
studied him with those dark eyes. Tired lines formed between his brows, and there were
deep creases at the corners of his mouth. Brody cupped the bristled chin with his hand,
his fingers caressing the strong jaw before threading into Whit s silky hair.
He met his lover s steady gaze, knowing their shared fears would fade over time.  I m
here for as long as you ll have me.
Whit caught his mouth in a kiss that felt like forever. Their tongues slid together, the
dance becoming more familiar with every stroke. When he heard the snick of the plastic
lid, Brody clung tighter to Whit s hair, but opened his legs, giving easy access. The lube
was cool but the kisses stayed hot as Whit worked in one finger, then two. When they
broke for air, Brody whispered a demand.  Now.
Whit withdrew his fingers, then snaked an arm underneath Brody to roll them over.
Brody scooted back to straddle Whit s thighs and reached for the condom packet on the
mattress. He quickly sheathed the weeping shaft, then poured lube in his palm. He jacked
him a few strokes before moving forward to position himself over the heavy cock.
With a pair of big hands on his hips, Whit helped to keep him steady while Brody took a
long moment to explore Whit with his eyes the tight stomach rippled with muscles, the
way his biceps and triceps bulged, the ruggedly handsome face all so very different from
what he d ever imagined forever would look like. Yet so very perfect. He slowly lowered
himself, enjoying the stretch and burn, the sense of completion he felt as Whit filled him.
As they began to rock together, he realized sex wasn t just sex anymore. Something so
much bigger was happening something utterly interconnected to a part of his heart he d
thought was missing.
 You feel so good& so right, Brody gasped.
 So damn good, Whit agreed.
Brody propped his hands on Whit s shoulders and rode his cowboy until his thigh
muscles screamed and Whit was driving into him, farther, deeper, faster. He became
aware of every little sensation. Their naked bodies slid against each other, the skin-to-
skin contact, the feel of Whit, hot and hard, his own ass muscles as he clenched and
relaxed with each stroke. Sweat trickled down his spine. Whit s low moans combined with
the sound of skin slapping together was the most erotic thing he d ever heard. His balls
drew up tight.
As if sensing how close he was, Whit fisted Brody s cock in one hand and tweaked his
nipple ring with the other, his hips thrusting up on each stroke. Brody flew, higher and
higher, until he was calling Whit s name. His lover moved with him, carrying them over
the peak together, and tumbling them down the other side until they fell against each
other in a sweaty heap.
Rolling to their sides, they stayed pressed against each other, their hearts beating a
staccato rhythm, breath coming in gasps as they fought for oxygen.
 So Never Can t  Whit started and stopped several times.
 That supposed to be a sentence? Brody questioned, then laughed softly and brushed
the hair off his lover s damp forehead.
Whit shook his head, then the muscles in his face seemed to still, and Brody watched
the doubt creep back. Whit took a deep breath and started over.  Everything about what
we just did felt right, Brody. Those weren t just words. I love you, and I want you with
me& or me with you. I don t know how we do it, but say you meant it& say you ll stay.
Brody took his time in answering, savoring this moment, determined to capture the
feelings so he could put them in a song.  I mean it, Whit. I ve spent some time putting a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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