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his breath, Adam fumbled with the panties at the tops of her thighs for a few seconds before getting
frustrated and pushing the crotch to one side. He entered her with one penetrating thrust.
She cried out, her pussy convulsing with delight as he took her fast, driving his cock into her hard and
 Yes, Adam, fuck it. It s greedy and it needs fucked.
Her back scraped across the carpet as he pounded into her with greater and greater force. His hands
tangled in her hair; he rubbed his face
against her neck; his saliva wet her skin. She wasn t sure if he realized how hard he was pul ing her
hair or that he was banging into her cervix with each deep thrust, but God, she loved it. She wrapped
her legs around him, her boots digging into the backs of his thighs, and held on for the ride.
They strained against each other as they sought quick release. Their breaths came harsh and rapid.
Madison feared her heart would burst, it was beating so hard.
 Come, Adam demanded.  Madison, come.
She obeyed, spasms of intense pleasure clenching deep in her pelvis, around his thrusting cock,
through her clit, up her bel y and down her thighs.
She cried out, her back arching off the floor, every muscle in her body taut with ecstasy. His
shoulders tightened beneath her fingertips as he thrust deep a final time and shuddered with release.
He spoke her name might have even whispered words of love against her throat as he pumped his
seed into her.
Breathing hard, he col apsed on top of her, gathering her in his arms and holding her tight.
 Damn it, Madison, he said breathlessly.  Why do you have to get me so worked up that I jump you
like some animal?
 I like it, she said, squeezing him in gratitude.
 I want to be gentle with you, baby, and treasure your body, but I always end up fucking you like a
She kissed his shoulder.  I promise I l let you be gentle with me in the bath, she said.
 You d better.
She laughed.  But I m going to need another good hard fuck afterward.
He groaned against her throat.  Wil you listen to that dirty mouth? he muttered to himself.  And she
looks so deceptively sweet and innocent.
 And then I l need you to hold me facedown so I can t move while you pound your cock into my ass
as deep as you can.
He shifted to cover her mouth with one hand. She could smel her sex on his skin. Her eyelids fluttered
as her inner muscles clenched hard on his softening cock.
 Stop saying things like that. Adam stared down at her with an intense, angry expression.  That s
what gets me so worked up in the first place.
She was wel aware of that; she loved to get him worked up. When he couldn t keep his hands off her
or his dick out of her, it made her feel sexy.
 I love you, she said against his hand.
His expression softened, and his entire body melted into hers.  I love you too.
After a lengthy kiss that made her toes curl inside her boots, he pul ed out and rose to his feet. He
removed his shoes and shucked his jeans, which had settled around his knees. He stretched his arms
over his head, and she drank in the sight of his lean torso, solid chest, muscled arms and thighs, and
that delightful trail of hair on his lower bel y that drew her attention to his softening cock stil wet
with her juices. Maybe she should offer to lick them off. Would that make him grow hard again?
 I hope that tub has jets, he said, stretching his lower back by tilting side to side.  I m getting too old
for hot monkey sex on the floor.
She hoped it had jets for different reasons. He leaned forward to offer her a hand up. She wouldn t
have minded enjoying the view for a few more hours, but a bath did sound heavenly. She struggled to
her feet and when she moved, discovered her back was deliciously raw with rug burn. She wouldn t
be able to get Adam out of her thoughts for days with that reminder on her skin.
She tugged off her boots, but left her panties at the tops of her thighs, and fol owed him to the
bathroom, eager to see what he had in store for her next. She wondered how long it would take her to
tempt him into fucking her senseless again. He seemed determined to take it slow, which meant she
was going to have to up her game.
Chapter Eleven
Adam turned on the faucets and adjusted the temperature of the water. With Madison in the tub with
him, he should probably set it to frigid so he could keep his wits about him longer than ten seconds.
Her hands slid up his ass as she moved to stand behind him. Case in point. When her
fingertip pressed into exit-only territory, he jerked upright and spun around to capture her by the arms.
 What do you think you re doing? he asked. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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