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too solemn dignity.
"I had noticed," Mildred pointed out, followed by, "That's better," as she saw
a smile of genuine amusement cross his face. "But it's true. I can look after
"I realize this, but factions against you may not.
My presence may make them think again about attack, or at the very least give
another pair of eyes to keep watch."
"You really think someone may try to chill me?"
He shrugged. "You are an outsider who aids change. We are going where the
majority of workers have been placed out of harm's way because they oppose
change. You figure it out."
Mildred glared at the sec boss. "Okay. By the way, for someone who isn't
funny, that actually wasn't bad. Guess I asked for it. But you didn't want
change, and I don't have to fear you. Do I?"
"I accept the inevitability of change and the tide
of history as it ebbs and flows."
"That still doesn't answer my question."
"I repeat-you figure it out. But we are almost there," he added as the sound
of tree felling became more apparent. They rounded a bend in the path and came
upon the edges of the work party, who stopped when they saw Mildred approach.
Among the workers in this section were the six companions and Elias. The dark
giant stiffened on seeing the sec boss approach. "Your posture would suggest
you have a problem- and quite a large one-with our friend Markos," Doc
"You know him-and his pernicious brother. If you wish reinforcement for my
views, just ask
Jak," Elias muttered.
However the companions-especially J.B.-were too preoccupied by seeing Mildred
again to dwell on that.
"Millie, good to see you here," J.B. said with an understatement that was
obvious. "It's been a while. We wondered what was going on."
"John& " Mildred returned. "I've been busy.
There's a lot to do."
"Plans going well for the evacuation?" Ryan asked.
Mildred was about to answer when Markos stayed her with a gesture. "Remember
where we are. Perhaps that is a question that should not be answered here.
Mebbe later."
"Yeah, perhaps you're right," Mildred agreed.
J.B. spit angrily on the ground. "When later?"
he said, with barely controlled anger. "We're billeted here while you're with
the baron's daughter. So what happens when we get over to the mainland, eh?"
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"I can't even think that far ahead," Mildred replied. As she spoke, she
realized what she was saying.
"Well, isn't that interesting?" J.B. said, a deceptive mildness to his voice.
"J.B., leave it," Ryan counseled. It wasn't an order. There was a rare
softness and an understanding in the one-eyed man's tone.
Krysty moved across to J.B. and took his arm.
"We can talk about this later," she said softly.
"Right now we've got work to do, and I'm sure
Mildred has, too." With which the redhead shot
Mildred a look that asked her what the hell she meant, before leading the
Armorer away.
"Yeah, mebbe we should talk about this after we get across to the mainland,"
Ryan said quietly.
"Seems to me that you've got some decisions to make."
Mildred chewed her lip thoughtfully before answering. "Yeah, maybe I have,"
she said simply. She turned to Markos. "We should get on.
Sineta wants to know how the whole of this operation is going."
She turned away to follow the sec boss through the clearing to the next sector
of the felling operation. She didn't see Dean follow until she felt his hand.
She whirled, ready to defend herself and wondering why she suddenly felt it
"Whoa, easy!" the youth exclaimed.
"Sorry, Dean. You just surprised me," Mildred replied.
"It's okay," he said. "Look, I just wanted to say that, well, I guess the
others just haven't thought of it, but this island& Well, I just figure that
mebbe you don't feel so lonely anymore."
"Lonely?" Mildred queried, puzzled.
"Yeah. Mebbe that's not what I mean," he answered, struggling for the right
words. "I don't know, mebbe I mean more like& Well, you don't feel so alone."
Mildred sighed. "Yeah, I think I see what you mean. You might be right. But in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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