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steps to save her. He was takingunacceptable risks just by linking into
 Do something, Ian was saying.  Do some magicthat will save her.
 Magic doesn t work that way, Ry said. She s shielded so tightly nothing I
could do would reachher. Maybe we could attack them, but hitting them hard
enough tosave her would rebound an equal attack onto us, and we don thave
sacrifices to take the rewhah
. We d die, but shewouldn t live.
Hasmal interrupted.  No sacrifice would be required formagic that caused no
harm. If we could get through to her, we could. . . maybe we could lift her
out of there, or dosomething else of that nature. But you re right. Her
shieldscover her so completely that no magic leaks out at all, and ifnothing
can get out, nothing can get in.
Ian said,  But they re going to kill her. Hisvoice was anguished.
Dùghall tried to keep his focus on the scene around him inthe Sabir tower. The
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Wolves, the
Dragon . . . andKait.
The Scarred Wolf, whom Domagar s mind named Anwyn, said, Girl, you re not in a
position to make choices. Not now.Not ever again. Come to me. If I have to
come to you, I promiseyou ll pay doubly for it.
The other Wolf began to laugh. His laughter was theuncontrolled, high-pitched
tittering of a madman. Dùghall,looking at him through Domagar s eyes, was
overwhelmed by thehopelessness of the situation. Domagar s memories insisted
theshaved-skulled madman was Karnee, which made him the one among thethree who
posed the most immediate physical danger to Kait. He wasmost likely to
discover that she was the same sort of creature hewas.
The mad Wolf, Andrew, said,  She s not going to cometo you, cousin. Not by
herself. You re too ugly. She wantssomeone handsome to help her talk. Someone
like me.
 I ll kill them, Ian was muttering.  Ifthey hurt her, I ll destroy all three
of them and the rest ofthe Sabirs, too.
Ry said,  Don t make promises you can t keep. Youhaven t the skill or the
power to destroy even one of them.They re wizards.
 I ll find a way, Ian said.
Dùghall s mind kept racing in circles, looking forsomething  anything  that
might allow him to save hisniece. If he could create a tiny reversed Mirror of
Souls, he couldcapture the Dragon soul in Domagar s body in it, which
wouldreturn Domagar s true soul  the soul of the devout youngfarmer  to its
rightful place. He thought. Or it might killthe soulless body. Could that help
her? A dead body in the roomwould be worthless  worse than worthless, because
it wouldgive away the presence of observers, and alert the other two. But
adevout young farmer might try to come to the rescue of a poortrapped girl.
Could he create the Mirror quickly enough?
He looked at the rings on his fingers. The form of the ring wasessential to
the structure of the
Mirror spell. He d seenthat, had figured out that the purity of the metal the
ring wasmade of mattered, too. He had good rings. But he would also needthree
wires. He said,  One of you. Get me wires  threeshort wires. Fast.
A brief pause, while the men stood thinking.
Yanth snapped his fingers.  Dagger.
Trev caught the direction his thoughts had taken.  Yes. Butyou ll need two.
Both lieutenants shot out the door and an instant later wereback, prying
wrapped silver wire from the hilt of one fine daggerwith the blade of another.
 How long? Trev asked.
In the tower, Andrew Sabir was moving toward Kait from aroundone side of the
table, and
Anwyn, holding his torture implements,was approaching her from the other.
Dùghall didn t waste time listening to what they weresaying. He was fighting
to get his most perfect ring, a plaincircle of refined electrum, over his
knuckles. He d lostweight over the past months, and the ring had been loose on
hisfinger, but his joints hadn t gotten any smaller. He said, The length of
your longest finger, all three ofthem.
By the time they d broken off the wires, he d gottenhis ring free. He quickly
attached the wires to the ring andtwisted the three of them together, then
fanned out the ends toform a crude tripod. He stood the little tripod on the
floor andnibbled skin off of his lower lip. The tiny fragments of skin
hedropped into the center of the ring. This was going to be crude.Terribly
He crouched over the tripod. Focusing his will and his attentioncompletely on
the little band of electrum, he said:
Follow my soul, Vodor Imrish, To the Dragon soul of Mellayne, To the usurper
of the body of Domagar, Faithful child of Iberan gods, And from this body
expel the intruder.
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Bring no harm to the intruder, The Dragon Mellayne, But give his soul safe
house and shelter
Within the unbroken circle before me 
Unbroken that it may guard
Mellayne s immortality, and
Protect the essence of life and mind.
I offer my flesh  all that I have given
And all that you will take, Freely and with clear conscience, As I do no
wrong, But reverse a wrong done.
He felt fire along the tendril of his spirit thatlinked him to Domagar. He
wanted to scream, but he held himselffirm. And within Domagar s mind, he felt
first astonishment,then raw terror. White heat burned away the anchors by
which thespirit of Mellayne the Dragon held itself within the
body it hadtaken; white fire pursued that spirit back along the threadlikepath
that connected
Domagar to Dùghall. And whenMellayne s spirit blasted through
Dùghall,flailing for any crevice or crack in him that would give itpurchase, [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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