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and slid up her back to hold her closer. He couldn t get enough of her.
He captured her tiny moans of pleasure, absorbed her shivers of desire as he lifted
her in his arms and carried her into the crystal clear water. Tearing his mouth from hers,
he strode into the water.  Can you swim?
 You ve hit upon the one thing that is a guarantee in Strange Hollow there s
always somebody around who can teach you something. She laughed with abandon as
he went to toss her in. She only held on all the harder.  I was taught how to swim by a
water dragon.
Releasing his hold on her thighs, she slid down his ridged body.  Good. He pulled
her arms from around his neck, and tossed her into the deeper end of the pool. She came
up sputtering. Laughing, she pounded huge plumes of water at him.
 Who taught you how to do that? he asked.
 Same water dragon.
 I see. He dove and resurfaced directly behind her. His desire stroked upward until
it was at a fevered pitch. Grabbing her from behind, he palmed her breasts. He dipped his
hand to the juncture of her thighs.  Tell me this is what you want.
She responded in a long, low moan.
 You have to say the words, Lyra. His cock ached to sink into her welcoming heat.
With his heart blasting in his chest, he swam the two of them to the shallow end.  Say it,
he whispered huskily.
 I & want & you.
He carried her onto the shoreline. Laying her on the fertile ground, he brushed her
wet hair from her face before kissing her. Slow down. He could have done slow if he
wasn t so hot for her. Raking his teeth down her neck, he wanted her so crazed for sex
she d beg him to fuck her. Get a hold of yourself.  So sweet. He teased his lips across
her shoulder blades and down her chest. Weighing her breast in his hand, he pinched her
nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He laved the other.
 Yes, she hissed. Her fingers tangled in his hair.  Please.
Working his way down her chest, he slid his free hand to her inner thigh. He spread
her legs and adjusted his position. She wriggled against him. Kissing the delicate skin of
her tummy, he dipped his tongue into the hollow of her navel. Slowly, he continued his
journey south until his hot breath stroked her wet sex.
She arched her back when he ran his tongue up her slit. He flicked his tongue over
her clit until she moaned. Spearing her channel with his tongue, he reveled in her groan
of ecstasy. He fucked her with his tongue until she was clawing at the ground.
 Right now? he asked huskily.
 Yes. Now!
He positioned himself between her legs, and in a single thrust was fully embedded.
Gritting his teeth, he leaned forward, propping his weight on his straight arms. Her
vagina hugged him like a new glove.  Give it to me.
 I will. He started a slow dance. In the back of his mind he knew the healing waters
of the pool should have eased any of the aches she might have experienced, but he still
kept his discipline in check. Sucking in deep breaths, he measured his thrusts. His cock
ached for release. His sac tightened.
No. Not before she climaxes. Pulling up the last tattered remnants of his discipline,
he drove into her again and again until he was mindless to everything except the woman
clutching him.  Come for me.
She did on a shout of his name.  Niko!
 I m here.
The strong contractions rifling down her channel brought on his climax. And still he
continued to plunge into her after he d spilled his seed.
Nearly collapsing on top of her, he had the wherewithal to prop his weight on his
elbows. He felt her soul lift from her chest. The filmy bit of her reaching for the solace
only a member of the death caste could provide to one touched by death.  Not yet.
With a will born from sheer self-preservation, he rolled off her. Unlike the first time
he d made love to her, he didn t pull her along. Trying to drag air into his lungs, he laid
his hand on her hair. All he wanted to do was hold her for eternity. Sliding his gaze to the
passionate woman beside him, he watched her struggle to regain her composure.  Are
you all right? Did I hurt you?
 I m fine, she rasped.  That was good. Really, really good.
He chuckled low in his throat. His heart beat a rapid tattoo. For the first time in a
millennia he felt alive as if his immortality was thriving simply because he was in her
 Was it good & for you? she asked, breathless.
 If it gets any better you might just kill me. His statement struck him as if he d been
gored by a bull. One more day. He closed his eyes against the nightmare he was living.
She giggled.  As if that s possible.
Rolling onto his side, he laid a kiss on her forehead. He settled his hand over her
heart. Her soul reached for him. Snatching his arm back, he gritted his teeth.  I better get
you home.
 Is anything wrong? she asked as he helped her to her feet.
Rising, he loomed over her. Not for the first time did he realize just how tiny Lyra
was.  No. It s getting late, and, as you said, tomorrow will be a long day.
* * * *
Lyra couldn t stop sighing. Worst, was every time she thought about Niko a funny
feeling filled her chest. It was a lightness she d never experienced before. She liked it.
The sensation brought a smile to her face.
The bang of the front door hitting the wall and angry footsteps in the hall brought her
around. Peeking over the banister, Lyra huffed with exasperation. She set the dustcloth
she d been using on the framed paintings over the railing.  Good afternoon, Mrs.
VanNess. How are you today?
 If you hadn t noticed, missy, it s evening. She took her time gazing around the
parlor.  Where is he? the crotchety old woman asked. Her normally pinched expression
tightened more.  I want to see Mr. Thorton immediately.
Vigor popped his head out of the wall behind Mrs. VanNess to stick his tongue out at
her. He retreated quickly when the nosy vampire, whose claim to fame was she was
afraid of the dark, spun on her heel.  I believe Mr. Thorton is in his office. Lyra almost
stumbled over Niko s cover name.  I ll announce you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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