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 Me too little brother, me too.
Emily came awake to a gentle hand on her shoulder,
 Hey baby we've stopped for fuel. Do you need a bathroom
stop while we are here? Adam asked gently.
Raising her head from Adam's shoulder, Emily saw they
were at a truck stop,  Um yeah I do need to go to the
Adam helped Emily from the truck. He quickly placed a
bracing arm around her waist as she wobbled on her feet.
Guiding her into the service center and to the rest rooms,
Emily made to pull away from Adam's supporting arm so
she could go into the ladies room.
 No you don't baby, I'm coming in with you.
 Adam you can't come in here, she protested as he
pushed open the door to the ladies bathroom.
 Yes I can. See, he said with a smirk on his face as he
guided her to an empty stall.
An elderly woman came out of the stall next to the one
Adam was guiding Emily into. Looking at him she hurried
to wash her hands and left the room muttering,  Well I
Adam laughed as he watched the elderly lady leave,
 Don't lock the door baby, just in case you need my help.
Emily pushed the door closed as Adam backed out of
the cubicle,  God Adam I think you nearly gave her a heart
attack. I am quite capable of taking a pee by myself you
Adam let out a bark of laughter at her statement,  I
know you can baby, but you're still a bit wobbly and I don't
want to leave you in case you fall down. You've been
through enough Em.
 I love you too Adam, Emily said on a sigh.
 See there he is; and the young lady is in there, the
elderly woman pointed to the cubicle Emily was in just as
she opened the door. Standing in the doorway to the
bathroom was one of the meanest looking policemen Emily
had ever seen.
 Oh my god, Emily muttered under her breath as she
headed to the sink to wash her hands.
The officer stepped forward, hand ready to draw his
weapon as he looked from Adam to Emily.
 Are you all right miss? the officer asked.
Emily felt her face suffuse with red as she looked from
the officer who had a name tag indicating he was Sergeant
Jones, to the elderly lady.
 I'm fine thank you Sergeant Jones. As you can see I
have recently had a head wound and my fiancé here didn't
want to let me out of his sight because I'm still a bit wobbly
on my feet. I was only released from hospital this
afternoon, Emily explained.
She glanced at Adam to see the big smile on his face as
she explained why he was in the lady's bathroom with her.
He nearly burst out laughing when he saw the fire in her
 Well as long as you are okay, that's the main thing,
said Sergeant Jones as he left the bathroom.
 I'm so sorry young man. I thought you were up to
something nefarious with the young lady. Glad to hear
you're only taking care of her, said the elderly woman with
a genuine smile.  There should be more men like you
around. The world would be a much nicer place to live in.
 Thank you kindly ma'am, Adam said with a grin and
tipped his hat at her. She left with a blush coloring her
 I swear to god Adam if I didn't love you so much I
would gladly kill you Emily stated mortified.
Adam couldn't contain his mirth any longer. He burst
out laughing as he scooped her up into his arms and headed
for the truck.
Chapter Ten
They were driving her crazy. She had been ordered to
bed as soon as they got back to the ranch; and to be honest
that was the only place Emily wanted to be once they were
home. But that had been over twenty-four hours ago. They
still would not let her out of bed unless it was to use the
She'd had enough. She was feeling absolutely fine. She
had no lingering headache, the cuts on her wrists were
healing and so was the cut on her head where she had been
stitched. It was time to put her foot down. She had never
been coddled in her life and she wasn't going to start now.
Flinging the covers aside, she headed to the bathroom
to run a bath. She would have loved to take a shower and
wash her hair, but that was not allowed until she had the
stitches taken out from the side of her head. Pouring in a
small amount of her favorite jasmine scented bubble bath,
she hopped in to have a good soak.
Relaxing with her head resting on the edge of the tub,
she used a towel for a pillow to support her neck. She
luxuriated in washing her body with the jasmine scented
shower gel. Once again feeling clean and energized, she got
out of the bath and was drying off when the bathroom door
was flung open with such force, the door handle left an
impression in the plaster.
 What are you doing out of bed little girl? You
shouldn't be up yet and you had a bath without Adam or I in
the room. You could have hurt yourself baby. Why didn't
you call one of us so we could make sure you would be
Emily saw red. Walking up to him and forgetting she
was naked, she poked him in the chest with a finger,  For
your information Mr. McCade, I have been having a bath
by myself since I was five years old. I am not a baby and I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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