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sex in hers. She imagined he was a big man. Not just the way he carried himself but on a
deeper level, she knew. He would fill her completely and still take his time, knowing that
he d be her first.
Wait a minute. Did she want him to be her first?
Renee smiled. It had only been days since they ve known each other but the things
she knew about him and the way she felt was more than she had felt toward any other
man. She cared about him a great deal. She liked him& dare she say& loved him?
She scoffed. It was ridiculous. She didn t know him that well. Sure he occupied her
thoughts a lot these days and the anger she felt at seeing him with another woman nearly
sent her through the roof, but&
No, it couldn t be.
Renee laughed it off as she poured herself a cup of coffee and added a dollop of
sugar and milk to the mixture. Stirring, she tried to keep her emotions at bay. After hiding
behind her work so long and giving up the idea of ever having a meaningful relationship,
she finally admitted it to herself.
She, Renee Anita Carlson, wanted and perhaps had already fallen for Jordan
Brentwood. Of course, she could be completely nutty and mistaking this for lust, but even
as she entertained that idea& she felt it was more.
Now the question was, did Jordan feel the same way toward her?
Jordan whistled all through his morning routine in waking up and getting ready for
his run. Now he allowed the warm island sun to beat on his bare torso and back. He
stayed around his villa complex but at the rate he was going, he could have jogged all the
way to Renee s island and back. He sure could use the swim.
His body energy had been at an all time high since he hung up the phone with Renee
last night. He wanted to stay on the phone and maybe have a little nightcap phone action
but the last thing he wanted to do was scare her away. Instead, he sated his raging desire
in the shower before crashing for the night.
He couldn t believe how perfect last night was all the way down to the kiss in the
lot. Just hours before then, he was sure she wouldn t show. He was sure he blew it. But
then she surprised him in such a sexy and stunning outfit, wandering in with the
confidence that drew him to her like a moth to a flame.
Jordan smiled as he pumped more energy into his legs. He was getting himself all
worked up over again imagining her. No woman had ever captivated him before such as
her and he sure didn t go running after any woman before. They came to him, it made the
chase that much easier.
Perhaps this time he was actually& falling in love.
He laughed it off. Love, who d have thought Jordan Brentwood would ever say or
even think the  L word. Still, it fit. He lusted after her, for sure. She had a body that gave
men whiplash, lips and a smile that could bring a man to his knees and smarts to know
what she wanted and when. Even though she had never taken a man to her bed, he had a
feeling she would know exactly what she liked and didn t liked. Perhaps she already
knew her body well.
Jordan entertained the thought of Renee s soft, delicate hands caressing her own
luscious curves, enticing him. It d be a feast for his eyes but an even better feast for his
own hands.
He turned the corner and spotted his villa up ahead. He d be home in no time to get
ready for tonight. Already he could tell that evening was going to be even more magical
than the last.
Jordan arrived at exactly 7 p.m. Renee finished the last of her makeup and took one
final look at herself in the mirror. He told her to dress casual but she decided to mix
casual with classy in the form of a floral wrap skirt and thin white summer blouse. Brown
Grecian sandals topped off the outfit. He didn t tell her exactly where they were going;
only that it d be a surprise.
Renee stepped out to the front curb where Jordan was leaning against his Jaguar car
with his hands in his pockets. He wore a loose button down white short sleeved shirt and
large comfy dark grey slacks with sandals. A few buttons at the top were open offering a
peak at his taut muscled chest. Behind him the sun was dipping down, casting him and
his short blond hair in a fiery light against a beautiful canvas. Once Renee closed the door
behind her, he looked up at her and removed his sunglasses. His smile sent twirls of
excitement throughout her body as she approached him.
 Hey beautiful. He rested a hand against her arm as he leaned in to kiss her cheek.
 You look stunning.
He was one to talk. Renee had to take a few deep breaths to clear her head of his
handsome sight. Only that made it worse. The deep spice of his woodsy cologne mixed
with his natural male scent, making her want to topple him right then and there.
 So, are you going to tell me what I m looking stunning for? she asked to distract
her senses.
 Well, me, he said with a grin.  I hope. He added a playful wink to his words.
 I mean, where exactly are we going?
 Ah, well. You will find out soon enough, milady. Just step right here and we ll be
on our way. He opened the car door and waited until she was completely in before
closing it behind her.
Minutes later, he started the car and they were on their way. Renee pulled down the
window a bit to let the air in. If she was going to smell his cologne all the way over, she
was going to lose her mind.
Jordan stole a glance her way and chuckled.  Relax. I m not taking you in front of a
firing squad. Just a little something I think you d like.
It was then she noticed how rigid her back was as she sat up with her legs closed and
her hands folded demurely on her lap. As much as she hated to admit it, she was on edge.
Part of it was him and the other part was being in the dark as to where he was taking her.
 Just a little hint and I will relax, she said.
Jordan shook his head.  You can t do it, can you? You can t let someone else be in
control? He released the stick and slipped his hand over hers, squeezing it.  Do you trust
She turned to him and watched how relaxed he sat as he handled the steering wheel
with one hand. The sleek interior matched his tall, imposing frame. There was no doubt
about it. He was built for elegance and the luxurious lifestyle.
As she looked into his deep baby blue eyes that dodged between the road and her,
they were clear and completely open to her. Before she could speak, she found herself
nodding.  Yes, I trust you.
He gestured ahead.  Take a look.
Renee peered ahead through the front window. Amidst the tall pine trees and
darkening blue sky was a dance club she had heard of but never visited. The large
building lit up with the lights from within. A swirling staircase wrapped around the
exterior and she could already hear the booming bass of the music from within.
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